chapter 42

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** 2 weeks later **
Beth's POV
Jace and I head into the doctor's room.~ I lay down on the table. Jace takes my hand and whispers 'babe, we're gonna find out!'~ I smile. The doctor comes in and starts to ask me a bunch of questions. She finally comes and put cream on my stomach. I look on the screen and see the baby. The doctor clears his throat and says 'congrats you guys, it's a boy.'~Jace's eyes widen. The doctor leaves and Jace helps me off the table. Jace bends down and says 'hey little man.'~ I laugh. We get into the car and head to Noah's apartment. I text Noah: we'll be there in 5 minutes. I get into the elevator and hit the button. We find the door and knock on it.~ Nikkie answers. She smiles and says 'Hi Beth.'~ I roll my eyes. I think 'I know I shouldn't be treating my own twin sister like this but she hurt me.' I see Noah and he hugs me. He looks at Jace and says 'did you guys find out?'~we nod. Jace walks closer to me and says 'it's a boy.'
Nikkie's POV
I sit on the couch and look at Bethany. I clear my throat and say 'Bethany, we can't act like this for the rest of our lives.'~ she rolls her eyes. She gives the death stare and says "You know what Nichelle, I don't give a fuck about you. I excepted my life first and you just stood in the dust. I got married  and went away for 4 months. When I come back you have a fucking child! Then you show up with a ring and then you think everyone's gonna pay attention to you!"~ Beth puts her hand over her stomach. I go up to her to help and she whispers 'get away from me.'~ I stand back. Jace comforts her and I go to Noah. I hear Mia start to cry. I pick her up and say 'it's ok, baby. Mommy' here.' Jace says 'I think we're gonna head out.'~ they leave. I sit down and mumble 'why does have to happen to me.'~tears roll down my cheeks. Noah kisses my forehead and says 'it's gonna be alright babe. She's just going through some things.'
Jace's POV
       I drop Beth off at the apartment and head to Ikea. I buy the baby's furniture and drive back home. I find Beth sleeping so I start to build everything.
** 2 hours later **
       I hear footsteps and see Beth.~ I smile. She walks up to me and says 'Jace... This is amazing.' " it's the least I could do."😂 Beth walks around and says 'it's so sporty; I like it.'~ she kisses me and whispers 'thank you.' I finish up and head to the kitchen. I cook up a vegan dish for Beth and a salad for me. I set it on the table and call Beth down. She comes and sits at the table. I watch her eat and admire her. I think "this is the woman who's gonna be the mom to my kids." 💗 Beth looks at me and says 'what are you looking at?'~ "you."~ she blushes. Beth stops eating and puts her hands on her stomach. I look at her and say 'babe, what wrong?'~ she closes her eyes. I jump out of my seat and run to her. I yell her name and she doesn't respond. I pull out my phone and call 911. They tell me an ambulance is coming. I text Makenna and Noah.
        The ambulance comes and I run to the garage. I pull out in reverse and drive to Beth's parents house. I pick up her parents and we drive to the hospital. I run up to the desk and say 'where's Bethany Norman?'~ she typed it in and says " she's on the 3rd floor but she's being seen right now so you'll have to wait sir."~ my hands on into fists and I mumble 'damit.'~ Beth's mom pulls me aside and says 'Jace, please calm down. She's gonna be ok. She's strong.' I sit down and start to cry. I put my hands on my face and say ' I can't loose her. She's my everything.'

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