chapter 34

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Beth's POV
Jace drops me off at my house and I jog up the steps. I open the front door and see Nikki sitting at the kitchen counter. I sneak up behind her and say " boo." Nikki jumps and says " what the heck Beth." I laugh and say " so what did you need to tell me?" Nikki looks down and says " I broke up with Owen." My jaw drops and I say "what?! why? You guys were like my OTP!" Nikki plays with her fingers and says "it wasn't working out anymore. Plus I kinda had feeling for this other guy." I furrow my eyebrows and say " other guy?"~ she nods. She smiles and says "his name is Jacob Carpenter." ~ I blink and instantly flashback to a guy named Jacob my friend dated in high who ruined her life. I look into Nikki's eyes and yell " listen to me. YOU DON'T WANT TO DATE HIM! He ruined my friend's life. He got her pregnant; on purpose.! I feel tears go down my cheeks. I groan and run upstairs.
Nikki's POV
        I watch Beth run upstairs. I sigh and start crying. I mumble " why doesn't my life turn out the why I want it to be. 😭 " I sniff and brush away the tears. I look at my phone and see the screen turn on. I look at it and see messages from Owen.: can we talk? can we meet up soon? I reply : sure. I turn off my phone and think " why did I break up with a wonderful guy?" I hear the front door open and I see Makenna walk into the kitchen. She sees me and say "Nikki, what's wrong?" I rest my head on her shoulder and whisper " I made a huge mistake. Beth yelled at me; she said the guy I'm seeing is like super badass and got her friend pregnant." I lift my head and look at Makenna and say " what do I do?" ~ she takes my hands and says "call him."// she gets up and leaves.
           I grab my phone and call Jacob.
Jacob...... ummmm...... I don't think we should see each other anymore.
** silence **
I guess you're right. ** chuckles ** I mean if you didn't like me you could have told me.
No, Jacob I love you. It's that I need some time to think about us.
ok, well I'll see you at school.

     I text Owen: meet me at our spot. 
Owen's POV
           I feel a buzz from my pocket and see a text: Nikki 💞 // meet me at our spot. I reply : I'll be there in 10 minutes. I grab my car keys and drive to the spot. I park the car and walk through the park and behind a locked door. { it's a secret garden } I knock on the door 3 times and Nikki opens it. She looks into my eyes and wraps her arms around me and whispers "I missed you."  We pull apart and sit on a bench. I take Nikki's hands and say " Nikki, I've missed the days where we would just hang out and went out for dinner. You're a huge part of my life." ~ you complete me. 😍
            I kiss Nikki's hand and say "will you be my girlfriend again?" ~ she nods. I pull her by the waist and kiss her under the moon light.

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