chapter 35

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Beth's outfit 💞
** in pretty sure they have a dog named Blue or if I'm wrong it's in my other story **
Jace's POV
       I groan and grab my phone. I go onto snapchat and send a picture to Beth: morning beautiful. 😍 She opens it and sends me : I wish you were here. 💞. I smile and get out of bed. I changed in jeans, a white shirt and a camouflage jacket. I grab my cap and head slip on my vans. I head downstairs and grab Blue's collar. I bring him outside for his walk.
** a few hours later **
Beth's POV
I change into my outfit and head downstairs. I walk past Nikki's room and see her looking at herself in the mirror. I knock on her doorframe and she looks up and gives me a weak smile. I walk up behind her and say "hey, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just don't want something bad to happen to you." " I get it. I'm sorry. Should listen to what my older sister says to me. 😏😂." I laugh and say " I'm older by 7 minutes." Nikki sighs and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. I furrow my eyebrows and say "Nikki, did you break up with Jacob?"~ she nods. She smiles and says " I got back together with Owen!"
          I feel my phone buzz and see a snapchat from Jace. I open it and it's a video of Blue playing tug a war with him. I send him a 💞 and say "give him lots of kiss from me." I grab a yogurt and put granola in it. I plop myself on the couch when I hear the doorbell ring. I jog to the door and look through the peephole.~ it's Jace.
Jace's POV
        I ring the doorbell and hear the door unlock. The door swings open and Beth is standing there looking gorgeous like always. I grin and say "hey babe." She pecks my lips and I follow her inside. We go into the living room and we plop ourselves into the couch. I wrap my arm around her waist and say " why are you so beautiful?"~ I dab her nose. She blushes and say "genes."~ she grins. 😏 Her phone rings and she answers it and it's her siblings face timing from upstairs. I laugh and say "tell Nikki to put Genevieve and Nick on FaceTime."~ she tells them. The twins come on and Nick yells "Jayce!"~ he smiles. I laugh and say " hey bud. How are favorite twins?"~ Beth punches my arm. Nick says "good, were turning 2 in 2 days.!" I nod and say "how's your sister?" Genevieve comes on and says " Hiii, Jace!!!" I do a goofy face and say " G! what's up?"

I haven't been on for a while. 😂
keep commenting and voting.

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