Ojūdan Vysossa-Lost Worlds

Comenzar desde el principio

"Why not? It's your name!"

"Not anymore Illya! We've been through this. My name is Adam now."

"Edward is a better name."

"Well I don't like it anymore."

Tekina and Kaito watched the two go back and forth. Upon further inspection they noticed that neither his attire or his crude mannerism resembled someone of the same clan. Yet his pale hair and scarlet eyes was an unmistakable Kishan trait. One they rarely saw after many years of marrying outside of the clan.

"Let's go back to the palace so we can talk." said Illya.

"I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries with Kishans. I came to discuss my findings with you."

"Well we can do both at the palace."

He groaned and angrily jerked his hand horizontally. The air infront of them tore as a portal appeared. Adam threw Illya's basket through it.

"Fine. Let's go then," he said in a less than enthusiastic manner.

"If he can do that...why was he in a carriage?" Kaito mumbled to Tekina.

"I like to change things up every now and then," Adam stated as he stepped through the portal.

Illya laughed. "He won't admit it but he likes the scenery so he always takes the long route to get here. The only thing he dislikes about this place is the heat. He hates being sweaty."

Illya followed Adam through the portal. Tekina and Kaito were a little more reluctant to do so but tagged after them anyways.


On the other side of the portal was the regal interior of the Solarian Palace. They followed Illya further into a drawing room.

"Take a seat." She said as she gracefully descended onto the single ended sofa that stood on a circular platform at the center of the room.

She pulled her legs up onto it and slid onto her tummy as she picked at the grapes on the table next to her. Tekina and Kaito each sat down on one of the many golden, circular ottomans around it, on the level beneath the platform she was on.

"I assume you'll want to have lunch with your guests?"

Tekina and Kaito whirled around upon hearing the smooth, unfamiliar voice. A tall handsome looking man stood behind them. He smiled in a habitual manner.

"Perfect timing Seibel. Bring it up here please." Illya chimed.

"As you wish my lady." He vanished from the room, just as quickly as he came.

"...Your butler is very handsome. Where did you hire him from?" Tekina asked.

"I have a contract with him. He's a demon that belongs to the same clan as my great grandfather."

Kaito poked Tekina ever so slightly. "Hey...he's not as handsome as me though...right?" He whispered.

Tekina sighed and rolled her eyes, patting his hand in reassurance.
"So....you're a Kishan scientist?" She asked, turning her attention to Adam who sat across from them.

"I am."

Illya shifted in her seat as she spoke. "Have you heard the stories of a land called Aruma An? The world that was lost to a catastrophic rebellion?"

Tekina nodded. "I've read some books about it before. The King was able to use his power to replace their dying God's shi with his own, becoming a God himself. His lover, became Queen but was soon over thrown by their ally who had been plotting a rebellion since the death of the previous King. All the books I've read say that the Queen was able to escape with the help of their closest friend but there is never any information that states whether or not she survived. I believe she had a daughter too? Last I heard she was living with family elsewhere."

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