Chapter 25- I Love You Forever and Always

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Chapter 25- I Love You Forever and Always

Violet's POV-

I tore the hair straightener through my curly, messy hair. I was in my wedding dress and gorgeous black flats.

My head was spinning and I was so nervous to get up on the alter and take Phil as my husband. What if someone objected? What was going to happen? What if Phil changed his mind?

I put the straightener back in a drawer underneathe the sink and did my makeup quickly.

Phil was at his brother's flat getting ready and here I was waiting for Cassie to arrive. I dashed out of the bathroom and I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and I was greeted by Cassie wearing a purple dress.

"You look stunning, Violet!" Cassie complimented, hugging me.

"Awh, thanks. So do you!" I smiled.

"So, are you all ready to head to the secret wedding location?" Cassie asked, leading me outside.

I nodded,"It's been a secret long enough."

"That it has." Cassie grinned.

I got into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I was so nervous.

"Don't worry, Vi. You'll be fine, everything will be perfect." Cassie told me, noticing my shaking knees.

"There is just so much that could go wrong, though." I said, biting my lip.

"But there is so much more that could go right." Cassie noted.

"Okay, I guess you're right, I'm just nervous." I admitted.

"But who isn't on their wedding day, right?" Cassie gave me a comforting smile and I nodded.

We arrived at the place that Phil had been hiding from me for over a year now. I stared out the window and couldn't believe where we were.

The wedding location was the forest where we built our treehouse in year now. My cheeks blushed red and I couldn't help but smile.

There were white pews with flowers hanging off the edges and balloons dangling off the front row. This must have taken a lot of hard work.

On the edge of the forest there were a few tables with different assortments of sweets including my favourite, maltesers.

The atmosphere was no longer as dreary and dark as it had once appeared, it was now bright and filled with so much happiness.

I opened the door and was greeted by my two other bridesmaids, friends from secondary school Lyndsay and Rachel.

"Oh my goodness, you look beautiful!" Rachel squeeled.

I hugged both the girls and we chatted for awhile before I headed quickly towards my destination. There was a long, red carpet rolled out and I gulped and took a deep breath before I was linking arms with my uncle since there was no way I would ever let my father take part in this, plus he was in jail.

Music began playing as I walked slowly to the alter. I saw Phil, he was handsome and perfect. His blue eyes shown brightly and it was almost as if we were the only two people in this forest, as cliche as that sounds.

I let go of my uncles' arm and walked up the three stairs. I took another breathe and looked up at Phil, he was grinning at me.

"You look amazing." he whispered.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in holy matrimony to bring these two bodies in Christ to one. " the preacher began.

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