Chapter 24- Where's Phil? (filler chapter)

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Chapter 24- Where's Phil?

Violet's POV-

My heart sunk in my chest and I was so confused. Why hadn't Phil arrived home by now? Something had to have happened.

I sent him another text hoping that he would respond, with my last bit of hope.

Phil, where are you? -Me

I wiped a tear off my nose and after sitting on the floor for another hour, I walked into Phil and I's room, staring at the ground.

I had no hope left. It was all over for me.

I lay on Phil's bed and inhaled the scent that I missed so much. It was a huge mistake to go ice-skating with Dan. Why hadn't I thought that maybe Phil would worry about me?

But where could he possibly be? Maybe he wasn't looking for me, maybe something terrible happened.

A ton of possiblilities passed through my mind when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off, assuming it was Dan and continued crying into the pillow.

My sobs were muffled and I felt lost without Phil.

I felt the weight on the bed get heavier, as if somebody had sat down. I looked up and saw the gorgous blue eyes that were like the deep ocean, I could get lost in them.

"Phil!" I shot up and hugged him.

"Where were you?" I sobbed into his chest.

It had been exactly 4 hours since I arrived home and Phil still wasn't there. I wonder how long he was out for.

"I was at the wedding place setting it up. I'm so sorry that I had you worried. I didn't mean to." Phil said, still engulfed in the hug.

"I was out with Dan." I whispered.

"Oh." Phil said, plainly.

He can't possibly be jealous, can he?

"We went ice-skating and I came home and you weren't here. I got so worried and I-" I paused and Phil hugged me tighter.

"It's okay, Violet. I'm here, I'm not going to leave." He said, kissing me lightly.

"Phil, I love you." I smiled , wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"I love you, too. Now let's go get some wedding-eve dinner." Phil smirked.

I nodded,"Okay, what are we having?"

"We could have some stir-fry, then maybe watch a movie and have some maltesers?" Phil said, biting his lip.

I closed my eyes and giggled. I hate it when Phil does that, he is just too adorable and I can't handle it.

"Sounds great." I say.

We head out into the kitchen and Phil gets the pan out of the cupboard and starts making the stir-fry.

I sneak up behind him and he sticks a piece of the stir-fry in my mouth and I giggle a bit,"It tastes great,Phil."

"Thank you." he laughs before getting back to cooking.

I sit at the table and quickly snap a picture of Phil cooking before adding it to my instagram photo collection with the caption: Phil's making stirfry for dinner. What are you guys having? (P.S. Don't tell Phil I took this photo xx)

I instantly got a ton of likes and the comments kept coming in. I replied to a few people saying things like 'Cool, i love that too' and 'That's my favourite food.'

I loved interacting with my fans as much as possible. Although it was difficult to get back to everyone, I made it a task to respond to more and more people every photo or video I post.

Phil brought the plates to the table, passing me mine.

"Hey, no instagramming at the table, missy." Phil joked.

I giggled,"But I wanted to be an average white girl and instagram mah stir-fry."

"No, you just wanted to instagram me making the stir-fry." he said.

"Noooo." I looked away and grinned.

"I saw the photo, Violet. There is no hiding it." Phil laughed.

"How?" I questioned.

"You do know that there is flash on your iPhone right now, right?" he asked.

"Awh." I cringed.

"That's what gave it away." Phil laughed.

"I should have known." I sighed.

We finished our food and headed to the couch to have a Buffy marathon. Dan thinks that we watch too much Buffy but that doesn't stop us from watching it all the time.

I handed Phil a box of maltesers and laid my head on his chest.

I couldn't believe that in just one more day, I would become Mrs.Lester.

I was worried that Phil's fans wouldn't approve of him getting married to me, especially since they weren't so fond of me when I went to PlayList Live.

"Phil, what do you think your fans will think?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter what they think." Phil whispered.

"It seems like they already hate me. I don't want you to lose viewers for me." I said.

"Who cares? The ones I lose aren't real fans then." Phil replied.

"I guess that's true, but I still feel bad." I sighed.

"Don't, it's fine. I love you, Violet. Nothing is ever going to change that." he said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you, too Phil." I smiled.

I closed my eyes and found myself slowly falling asleep on the last night where my last name would remain my mum's.


Gosh, that chapters was super short. I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean for it to be. It's more of a filler chapter though so I guess, it's all good right? Well atleast I updated and didn't leave you hanging. Thanks again for 1k reads. I love you all so much. Goodbye



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