Chapter 29

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Chapter 9


“We got an APB out on Lydia's car, every unit on the road is looking for her” the sheriff said “isn't there anything else that we could do” Stiles asked “at this hour, no, not really” Sheriff said. “He took her for a reason, Dad” Stiles started to say “look, if we can figure out the why, then we'll figure out the where, okay” Sheriff asked us “okay” I said for everyone. “So all w have to do really is find Lidia, kill the Kitsune, and move on with our lives” I asked “ya that about sums it up” Scott said to me “what about the Kitsunis, where did it go” Stile's dad asked me. “I don't know, all I know is that its not inside of me, right now” I said whispering the last part.

“What would a Kitsune need with a Banshee” Stile's dad asked “I don't know, Lydia's pretty good at finding dead bodies. Maybe he needs to find a body” I said “Scott, you know more about this than all of us” Stiles said as Scott looked at us surprised “me” “you said you got the whole story” “yeah, but it happened during World War II, like 70 years ago” Scott said. “Wait, what did you say” Stiles asked stopping Scott “I heard about the internment camp di-” Scott started “no before that, you said, the whole story” Stiles asked making sure he heard Scott correctly.

“Yeah, what is it” Scott asked as Stiles and I looked at each other “there's a girl at Eichen House, her name's Meredith” I started “I think she might be able to help” Stiles said as Parrish walked in the room. “Sheriff, Meredith Walker” “she's still there” Stile's dad asked the Parrish as he nodded his head and they left the room. “I'm going to go check up with Derek” I said and left Scott and Stiles. I went to Derek's house but didn't see anyone so I decided to check the woods, maybe he was looking for Lydia like everyone else.


“Anything” Ethan said “no scent, no tracks, nothing” Aiden said as you heard what sounded like a clicking. “Did you hear that” Ethan asked “it sounds like” “a round being chambered” Ethan said as someone started to shoot at Ethan and Aiden as they tried to run. They didn't make it very far though before falling to the ground trying to cover them self. “Wolfs bane” Aiden cried threw the firing as people still fired and Aiden blacked out “Aiden” Ethan called as I quick ran over to them and helped Aiden up trying to make sure I don't get hit as well.

I looked over and saw Star helping Ethan up as well as we quick ran and hid some place.

Stilinki (Stile's Dad)

“Is she still here” I asked the guard as we went threw the hospital “yeah, but they moved her to the Closed Unit” “why” I asked “they said behavioral issues” “what issues” “she wouldn't stop screaming” the guard said looking for his keys. “Sounds pretty quiet now” “we had to send a guy down to sedate her, trust me, this little nut job would not stop screaming” he still trying to find his keys. “But five mils of Haldol take her out like you wouldn't believe” the guard said as he emptied his pockets and saw the door was already opened.

 “What the hell, she got his keys” the guard said as we looked around but couldn't find her.


I talked on the phone “ten thousand dollars, they pulled an arrow out of my stomach, what did they do fill it up with diamonds” I asked mad. “All right, fine” I said with a sigh “what, okay just send me the bill” I said and hung up the phone “okay, listen up kids, today we're, you know what. Today we're going to discuss the corrupt institution of health care” I said mad “um, Coach” Danny said raising his hand “we have an unexpected guest” he said as we all looked in the corner of the room and saw a girl sitting in a chair looking at the table in front of her.

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