Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


I laid in my bed as Issac was in the room next to me and Star slept down stairs on the couch since she didn't want to stay at Derek's. All of a sudden my phone starts to vibrate, I waked up and answer it “hey, man, what's up, Stiles” I asked as he didn't answer but I could hear Stiles breathing nervously “Stiles, you there” I asked into the phone. Finally he spoke but it was a whisper “Scott. hey, I'm here” “are you okay? Can you hear me” I asked.

“Scott, I don't, I don't know where I am, I don't know how I got here, I think was sleepwalking” Stiles said. “Okay, um, can you see anything, just tell me what you see” I said “ah, it's dark, it's hard to see and I think there's something wrong with my” all of a sudden it disconnects. I call him back “hey Stiles” I start but it wen to voice mail “this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message”.

I hung up as I exhaled deeply and quick called him again but again no answer; as I was about to call him again my door opened and I looked up to see Star. “Dude are you having a nightmare or something, your heart is beating so loud I can hear it all the way downstairs”. I tried again “whats wrong” Star asked “something wrong with Stiles I said as he finally answered “Stiles” I asked as Star sat next to em and listened in.

“Scott, I don't think I can get out of here, I can't move” “Stiles where are you” Star asked “Star” Stiles asked “I, I don't know, it's too dark. I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg, it's stuck on something and I think it's bleeding” Styled said. “How bad” Star asked “Stiles, how bad is it, Stiles, are you there, can you hear me” I asked into the phone.

“Ah, there's some kind of smell down here, something smells terrible, it's brutal. My eyes are watering” Stiles said “okay, listen I'm calling your dad” I said. “No, no, no, no, don't” “but your dad” I said “don't. Just please don't call him, promise you won't, he already worries about me too much. Scott, please” Stiles begged “but what if I can't find you Stiles, I can't make a promise like that” I said trying to convence him.

“No, no, no, just please” it sounded like Stiles was trying to move “please, don't call him. Come find me, you can do it,e doesn't have to know; Scott, you and Star can find me”. “I don't know if we can do this” Star said “I gotta call you back, I have to turn the phone off”. “What, no, hey, wait” I said “I'm gonna call you back” Stiles said “hold on, Stiles wait hold on, man” as I was talking the line went dead.

I looked at Star as I quick got up, going to quick get dressed “get Issac” I said to Star as she quick ran out of my room and knocked hard on his door “Isaac! Isaac, get up, we need your help! Isaac” Star yelled as he finally ran into my room “why, what's wrong” “it's Stiles. Get dressed” I said.

I looked around not seeing Star anywhere, she better not have gone out without us “what's wrong with Stiles” “I don't know” I said. All of a sudden my phone starts to ring again “its Stiles” I say as Issac and Star stood next to me as I answered. “Hey, Stiles” “did you call him, did you call my dad” Stiles asked “no, just Issac and Star, we're coming to find you. Can you figure out where you are, try to find something and tell us where to look” I said into the phone trying to stay cool for his sack and everyone else.

“It's a basement I think, I think, I'm in some kind of basement” Stiles said “in a house” Star asked “no, it looks bigger. I think there's a furnace, but it's cold, it's freezing down here. I gotta turn the, I gotta turn the phone off. it's going to die” Stiles said shaking “wait, wait, what else is there, what do you see” I quick asked. “The phone's dying, I can't talk, I have to go” Stiles whispered the last part.

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