Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


“Out of the way, out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way” I yell, running to the bus. “Move, everyone back” Sheriff Stilinski yelled at the kids, pushing all the kids away from the bus. I quick ran onto the bus and stopped when I saw the boy an slowly walked up to him. “They told me not to move” “Jared, right” I asked “they told me not to move. They said "Stay right where you are and don't move a muscle”” Jared said. “It's all right” I told him as I walked up to him.

“I didn't know what it was when I picked it up, I didn't know” Jared said scared “It's all right, Jared. I'm just going to take a look, all right” I said and looked as I saw the box on his lap.


We sat on the bench “I could easily get out of these, you know” I told Chris “so could I, but I'm not interested in being a fugitive from the law” Chris said. “Well, I'm not interested in being a victim to a 17-year-old possessed by a psychotic fox” “just give me a few more minutes” Chris told me. “Okay, fine, but if something happens, don't expect me to risk my life trying to save yours” I said to Chris.

“Wasn't expecting it anyways” Chris said to me as it seemed like a awkward moment.


I walked on the bus and saw Jared and walked over to him, bending down in front of him. “Jared, it will be very helpful if you could resist throwing up on the potential explosive device” Jared was silent. “Hey, can you do that for me” I asked “I think so” Jared said “you, you look really” “handsome” I said even though I knew he wasn't going to say that. “Thank you, for a second there, I thought you were going to say I look really young and I was gonna have to launch into my explanation about how I'm actually and that anyone can look young if they eat right and exercise”.

I started to open the box “although it's probably just good genes anyway, right” I said as I lifted the cover off and Jared gasped. “Huh” I said surprised and grabbed what was inside of it and walked to the front of the bus. “It's not a bomb, sir, but there is something in the box” I held up the desk sign that read “Sheriff Stilinski”.


“Oh my god” I said when I saw the desk sign that read “Sheriff Stilinski” “there is a bomb, but not here” I said to Star, Stiles, and the twins.


I looked over and saw Isabel walked threw the door (Star's old friends, Scott's old girlfriend). “Isabel” I say as she looks over at us “well I always figured you'd be in jail, what did you do almost kill someone again” Isabel asks with a smile as I give her a look. “What are you doing here” I asked her “well I've been doing my own research and finding out a lot of things that no one has yet to tell me about” Isabel said.

All of a sudden everyone started running around and freaking out “whats going on” I asked “I don't know” Isabel said as a guy came to unlock are cuffs. “Whats happening” I asked the guy as he undid Allison's dad's cuff. All of a sudden I could hear this ticking sound and looked at the room behind me, on the other side of the glass. I could hear what sounded like a bomb.

“Get down” I yelled as the bomb went off and I covered up Allison's dad so he wouldn't get hurt as glass went in my back.


Scott and I quick ran inside the building as we heard people yelling and Scott looked around while I walked around. I saw someone laying on the ground, I walked over to them seeing Isabel laying there with a few peaces of weir and glass sticking out of

her stomach as she looked at me with pain in her eyes. “Stiles, help, help me” she said trying to breath as I knelt down to her “I will” I said as I pushed all of the peaces of woods deeper in side of her as she stiffened before relaxing and closing her eyes.


I felt this pain in my back as Chris helped me up “Derek, Derek” I breathed heavily “I'm okay” I said. “You saved my life” Chris said “don't expect it all the time” I said still breathing heavily.


I ran inside the police station and saw everything was scattered everywhere and there was a few bodied in different places. I saw Derek and ran over to him “Derek” I said and helped him stand “Star, what are you doing here” Derek asked me, weak. “The spirits, they're coming” I said “here I'll take care of him, go get Stiles and Scott and get them out of here” Chris said taking Derek.

“Thank you” I said about to jog off but Derek grabbed my arm “be careful” “always am” I said and quick kissed him before jogging over to Scott and Isabel. “Scott, Stiles” I said and they both turned around “the spirits, there here, we have to go” I said as Scott and Stiles ran in front of me. When I reached close to the door my happened to wonder to someone and I stopped and looked over.

My mouth dropped and I looked at the dead body that laid in front of me “Star, come on” Scott called over to me not realizing that Isabel's dead body lay right in front of me. I nodded my head and pushed my sadness away and ran off with Scott and Stiles. We arrived at the animal clinic, just as we were about to go inside we stopped and saw the dark spirits.

“Stiles, get inside” I told Stiles as he just stood there “Stiles go” I yelled at him “not without you two” Stiles told us. “Scott get back” I said and took a step in front of him “Stand down” I said in a deep voice as the spirits stood still. “Get inside, now” I said and we quick ran inside the building, closing and locking the doors and windows. “That should keep them out” Scott said “not for long” I added as I looked at Stiles, who had a evil smile on his face. “Stiles are you ok” I asked as he just continued to smile before stabbing something right in my stomach and I fell to the ground.

“Stiles why did you” before Scott could finish Stiles put a old pipe threw Scott's stomach. Scott gasped out, surprised as he tried to poll it out but Stiles just pushed it in further. “You okay” Stiles asks Scott “please don't, stop” Scott begged “it's okay” Stiles said as he turns the pipe inside of Scott. “Does it hurt, hey, look at me, you should have done your reading, Scott. See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife and pain, this morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach and then from a dying deputy. All that pain, you took it all, now, give it to me” Stiles said.

I polled the pipe out but couldn't move “you really have to learn, Scott. You really have to learn not to trust a fox, they're tricksters, they'll fool you, they'll fool everyone”. “Not everyone” I said and stood up behind Stiles as he turned around “Scott didn't take Issac's pain, I did. In fact, I took ever bit of pain he ever had” I smiled “we tricked you” I said as from behind Stiles put a needle in his neck and Stiles looked like he was going to pass out.

I looked up and saw Dr. Deaton just as Scott polled the pipe out “what was that” Scott asked threw breaths “is he okay” I asked. “The fox is poisoned, but it's not dead, not yet” Deaton said. I looked at Stiles who was passed out on the ground and bent down. “I know how to save him; when I was doing some research about my family I found out that we're one of the only ones that can stop something like this”. I looked at Deaton who looked at me “its dangerous” “I'm wolf, danger's my middle name” I said with a fake smile.

“Wait, what do you have to do” Scott asked me “I have to get into Stiles mind and destroy the spirit that's inside of him” I said. “The problem, is that if I'm not careful I could get stuck in his head” “what” Scott said, mad. “Are you crazy” Scott asked “maybe” I whispered. “Listen I'm going to be fine, I'll go in Stiles head, save him, and get him out, quick and easy” I said looking at Scott.

“Scott, we have to help Stiles, and this is the only way” I added. Scott sighed “fine, get Stiles and get out” I shook my head and looked at Stiles, kneeling down again and put my hands on the side of Stiles's head, concentrating before everything went black.

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