Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


Scott, Derek and I quick ran down the hospital and ran out the back door towards the watery electricity. “Get back, everyone, get back, everyone, get back” a police officer said as I looked over and saw the water almost hitting Allison “Allison” Isaac said, he must have saw it as well but quick pushed her out of the way, shocking himself when his foot hit the water. “Isaac” Allison yelled as we heard a few horns honk and someone got electrocuted as Kira stopped the wire.

When we knew it was safe Derek and Allison ran over to Isaac “Isaac” Derek said shaking him. “He's not breathing, Scott, he's not breathing” Derek yelled to Scott as he looked at Kira, shock written on his face. “Scott, he's not breathing, Scott” Derek yelled that seemed to become background noise as I looked at Scott and he looked at Kira.

After the ambulance came I walked up to Scott “you have to tell Stilinski what's really wrong with Stiles” “I know, I will, eventually” Scott said thinking. I went back to Scott's place with Scott and Melissa, even though Derek and I were back together I still was staying at Scott's house. Melissa sat downstairs at the kitchen table as Scott and I walked in the room, ready for school.

Any news” Scott asked his mom “they're still looking for him, it's past the 48 -hour mark, but I guess if anyone's going to be missing for two days and turn up just fine, it's Stiles” Melissa said trying to fake a smile. “What about Isaac” I asked as Melissa walked up to Scott and I “maybe we should go by the hospital before school”.

Stiles Dad

“Sheriff” deputy Parrish asked “yeah” I asked looking up from my papers “he just needs your signature” Parrish said as guy walked in with a box “it's just printer cartridges and stuff, batteries for the next blackout” the boy said to me as I signed my name. Not a bad idea, considering the number of electrical problems in this town” I said as I set the box down on the corner of my desk.


We walked into the hospital and saw Allison sitting in her chair asleep “have you been here all night” Scott asked her as she woke up and jumped a little bit. “Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family, I told them he doesn't have any” Allison said standing up. “He's got us” I said “and I've got a key card” Melissa said polling out her ID card. We walked threw the hospital till we reached Issac's room and Melissa unlocked it for us.

“Be quick” she told us as Allison, Scott, and I walked in the room up to Issac; all you hear is a machine beeping and Issac's small breathing. “I thought he'd be healing by now” Allison said “so did I” Scott “he's suppose to be” I said “is he in pain” Allison asked as Scott was about to check I stopped him by saying “yes”. Scott and Allison looked at me “but only a little” I didn't move my eyes from Issac. “Can you do something” Allison asked Scott “I wouldn't” I said and looked at Scott.

“He'll be fine” I said as Scott polled his hands away from Issac “we should go” Scott said as him and Allison were about to walk out then Scott stopped and turned towards me. “Aren’t you coming” “I'll be right there” I said and continued to look at Issac as Scott stood there for a moment then left the room with Allison, leaving just Issac and me.

I took a deep breath as I laid my hands on Issac's arm “I hope this works” I said as I closed my eyes and could feel Issac's pain. The strange part was that I didn't just feel this pain, I felt every pain he every felt. I inhaled a sharp breath and gasped as I quick polled my arms away trying to catch my breath as I looked at my arms, seeing the vanes go back into place.

I looked at Issac as he seemed more relax, he seemed relieved almost, like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulder. I listened to Scott and Allison talk outside the room “did Stiles really do this” Allison asked Scott. “Whatever is controlling him did it, whatever is inside him” “well, then how do we get whatever is inside of him the hell out of him” Allison asked Scott. “I don't know” Scott said as all of a sudden it sounded like he hard a sharp pain hit him.


“Well, then how do we get whatever is inside of Stiles the hell out of him” Allison asked me “I don't know” I said confused and worried. All of a sudden I felt this sharp pain go threw my arms, like I fell when I take someone else pain away but this time it was a lot more pain. “Scott, are you ok” Allison asked as all of a sudden the pain left me and I felt fine again.

I looked at my arms as it looked like the vanes had popped out and was going back into place. Then I remembered something, I was connected to Star sometimes; as I quick turned around to go back inside the door opened and Star walked out. I stood there looking at her as she looked at me a little confused “what is it” Star asked me as I shook my head. “Nothing, never mind” I didn't want to bring any of this up in front of Allison.

Allison, Star, and I walked out of the hospital and had my mom give me and Star a ride to school as we walked towards the school and followed Star to her locker. "What did you do" I asked Star as she looked at me while grabbing her books "what are you talking about" she asked confused. "You know what I'm talking about, you took Isaac's pain away” “Scott just drop it” Star said with a sigh and slammed her locker shut.

The bell rang, signaling that we were lat to class but I didn't care right now “Star listen, why did you do that” I asked her grabbing her arm so she would looked at me. She stopped and looked at me almost hurt in her eyes, then she quick walked up to me and kissed me. I was caught off by surprised as she polled away and looked at me shock like I had kissed her as I looked at her the same way. Then she quick turned around and fast walked to class. What just happened?

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