Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I had no idea what had just happened in the hallway, I mean why would Star kiss me, she loves Derek more then anything. I sat on a bench in the boys locker room as we were getting ready to go for a run as usual but apparently Coach wanted to make an announcement to all of us. “Listen up, anybody catches the slightest glimpse of Stilinski, you contact the first available teacher. Got it” Coach practically yelled ay us.

No one answered him “got it” Coach said again “yes Coach” we all quick said. “There's a card on my desk for Isaac Lahey, and every one of you losers is not only going to sign it, you're going to write a personal message so profound and deep, it's gonna bring a tear to Coach's eye. Who's first” Coach asked as Danny raised his hand “ah, Danny, that's how you do it, buddy. Keep it PG” Coach said as Danny went inside of Coach's office.

We all couldn't help but laugh as Ethan and Aiden walked over to me; all of a sudden I heard this metallic pulsing. I looked up at Ethan and Aiden and could tell that they heard it as well “do you guys hear that” Ethan asked? “It's an emitter, one of Argent's” I said as we quick left the room and jogged down the hallway. “It's coming from the basement” I said as we were about to reach the basement door and saw Star running over to us.

“Do you gyes hear that” she asked “ya” Aiden said as we went down the stairs and stopped at the end of them looking both ways and saw someone holding the devise that made the noise. “Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me, I swear to God it's me” Stiles said putting his hands up, like in surrender. All of a sudden Aiden and Ethan stepped in front of Star and I and barred there fangs and growled.

“Wait stop” I said as Star and I quick ran over to them as the twins pinned Stiles “I said stop” I said polling Ethan away as Star held Aiden. They settled down and we let them go as I looked at Stiles “it's me, Scott, I swear it's me. I don't know where I've been the last two days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise” Stiles practically begged to me, hoping I would believe him.

“You know what happened at the hospital” I asked Stiles “I know more than that” Stiles said as he laid a map down with a few dots on it. “You see this, it's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all these markings in red” Stiles asked as we all shook our heads as we looked at the map. “That's my handwriting, I know I did this, I caused the accident and everything in this bag” Stiles lifted a sports bag “it's all stuff that could be part of something bigger”.

“What the hell have you been up to Stiles” Star asked him “I think something worse, a lot worse” Stiles said looking at us. “What the hell were you doing building a Terminator” Aiden asked Stiles not believing everything that he was seeing in Style’s bag. “Guys, this is a map” I said “isn't that the cross country trail” Star said looking at it.

I pointed to one of the red dots on the map “that's the Tate car, where Malia's family died”. “You mean that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps” Star asked me looking at me as I realized what was going on.


Couch blows his whistle sharply as everyone starts to run, Aiden, Ethan, Star, and Scott ran after them and was going to try to stop the other kids. “Coach” I call running up to him “Stilinski whoa” Coach said to me, surprised to see me “Coach, listen close” I saw as I quickly tell him what we found out and we ran after the others.


“Scott, Star” I hear Stiles run up to us “stop, stop, stop, everyone, stop” Stiles yells at all the other students as the run over to us and they all stop. Stiles searches the ground until he finds a chain and he freezes before picking it up and following it to revels that there is nothing at the end of it. “Congratulations, Stilinski, you found a length of chain now can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on” Coach yells throwing his hands up in the air.

All of a sudden I hear something just pass me and look at couch “Coach” Scott says as we all see that an arrow is sticking out of him. “Oh, crap” Coach says and falls to the ground. I take a step back shocked at what just happened when I hear another noise and feel something hit the side of me. I felt this pain overcome my side as I look down and see another arrow in my side. I take it out “Scott” I whisper as he looks up from Coach at me. Scott quick stood up and slightly jogged over to me, holding me up, luckily no one saw us, they were looking at Coach.

“I'll be fine” I said trying to breath but it seemed to get a little harder; Scott looked at the arrow that hit me. “This is a silver arrow” Scott said to me “we have to get you out of here”. “Scott we need you” Stiles said and looked at Scott as he looked at Stiles “we'll take her” the twins said and walked over to us. Scott handed me over to them and went down to Coach and took the pain away as the twins took me away.


“I think he just passed out” I said “I could have killed him, I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat” Stiles asked “but it wasn't” I reassured him “and he's going to be all right, so is Star” I finished.


Chris and I were thrown into jail because Stiles had framed us for death, thanks Stiles. “So, I don't suppose you have any idea why Stiles would frame us for murder” Chris asked me. “I didn't think Stiles was smart enough to frame us for murder” I said truthfully witch didn't help the case. It also didn't help that I was chained to a bench with Chris chained next to me. “To be honest, I'm not entirely convinced that's why we're here” Chris said.

“What do you mean” I asked confused “McCall is going to come out here any minute and probably talk to attorneys. Say you've agreed to allow mine to represent you” Chris said “why should I trust your attorney” I asked. “Because I'm not calling my attorney yet. I just want more time” Chris said as he looked forward “to do what” I asked “to figure out what we're really doing here” Chris said with a sigh.


We got to the car and I sat on the back of Stiles jeep “what are we suppose to do” Ethan asked “just give me the arrow” I said as Aiden handed me the arrow and I grabbed my left hand with a cloth that sat next to me. I too the type of the arrow in my hand and crushed it in my hand. The arrow turned to this type of sand and I lifted up my shirt reveling where the wound was. I took a deep breath before quickly putting my hand with a sand in my wound.

I flinched at the feel of it and watched as my wound healed “wow, where did you learn how to do that”. I looked at the guys “I didn't, I just knew what to do” I said as Scott and Stiles ran over to us. “Hey are you alright” Scott asked me as Ethan went threw the back for something. “Ya, I'm fine” I said with a small smile “you gyes, look at this” Ethan said showing us this rapping paper.

“This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present” Scott said “Wasn't that William Barrow's thing” I asked. “Yes” Scott said “A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present” I said “where did it go off” Ethan asked as I heard something go over the radio and listened.

“Star what do you hear” I continued to listen then looked at everyone “on a school bus”.

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