Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


We polled up to a tall building as I took my helmet off and asked “your staying at Derek's old place”. “Yup” Star said as we walked inside and she opened the huge door “why do you stay here” I asked her “I keep wishing that Derek will walk threw the door and everything will be back to the way things were before”. Star sighed “everything changed though, your a alpha, Allison's a better hunter, Isabel left, and now I'm this wolf”. I was silent “who knows maybe Derek will come back soon and everything will be better”. Star smiled “you never think anything's going to go wrong” “sometimes but not a lot” I said with my hands in my pocket.

“Why don't I join you tonight, looking for the hunter” I asked Star “no its ok, besides you know me, I work better alone” she said with a smile. “Ok” I said throwing my hands up in defeat “well I better get going, I have some homework” I said about to head out. “Ok I'll be at school tomorrow” I nodded my head “ok, bye” “bye” she said as I left; I got on my motorcycle and drove off.


I sighed as Scott walked out and I walked over to were the fridge was, opening it up and reaching at the very top of it. I tugged on something as a knife fell in my hands, looking down at it with a smile “looks like someone still keeps my things where they were”. I went around and looked at were a few of my old hiding places were, grabbing guns and knifes.

Hunters always have back up stuff, now I decided to give them to Allison, maybe she could use some of these things, I can't now. I grabbed my jacket, put it on, and went over to Allison’s. I knocked on the door as she opened it and saw me, looking at me with wide eyes. “Star” she asked shocked, I had forgotten that Allison didn't know I was alive; she hugged me as I hugged her back.

“Hey I have a few things for you” I said as she opened the door for me. I walked in as she lead me to her room, I didn't pack everything because there was a few things that I was keeping just in case Isabel was coming back. I sat the gym bag on her bed as she sat on it and I polled out a few guns and knifes, laying them on the edge of her bed. “Here they are” I said as she looked at them wide eyed “why are you giving me these” she asked looking at the guns and knifes.

“Well I don't need them anymore” I said as she looked at me confused “why” I sighed “well you know how Scott and Issac and Derek are werwolf’s” “ya” she said. “Well I'm a wolf” her mouth dropped open “what” “well actually I'm a wolf, like a real wolf, four legs, fur everywhere”. She was shocked as I stood looking at her “how” “well I'm thinking its because of my father” I said. “You mean Ducalion” “ya” I said as she looked back at the guns and knifes “this is a really wired question but can you show me”. “You mean urn into a wolf” I asked “no, I mean like, I don't know, you know how Scott's eyes are red, now that he's a alpha” “ya” I said.

 My eyes turn blood red as she looked at me surprised “wow” I laughed as my eyes turned back to normal. “Listen I have to get going but I have one favor” I said standing up “ya” “take care of my guns”. Allison laughed “sure thing” she hugged me as I walked out, I knew that Scott wanted to work with me on trying to find this hunter but I couldn't risk it. Beside I always work better alone, sometimes.

I walked into the woods and looked around until I heard a noise behind me and quick turned around to find a guy standing next to a tree. “Who are you” I asked him, he had torn clothes and looked like he just got out of a trash can. All of a sudden he charged for me, but right before he grabbed my throat I quick kneed him in the cut and threw him as he hit a tree. Then he disappeared and I looked around and then out of no were the guy appeared and grabbed my throat, pushing me to the ground.

I laid there on the ground as this guy tried to choke me when all of a sudden someone took his head and polled him off of me and ripped it off. The body laid next to me, dead as I stood up and looked to see.....

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