Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


Peter walked into the house and smiled at me “hows it going Star” “fine until you walked in” I said with a fake smile and Peter walked into the living room, kneeling in front of Stiles whose mouth was still tapped. “He doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf. Then again neither do you” Peter said looking at me over his shoulder as I gave him a look to shut up and he turned back to Stiles. “You don't think it would work” Scott asked “this is more a war of the mind than the body” Peter said standing up and looking at us.

“There are better methods to winning this battle” “what kind of methods” Deaton asked “well if its his method then we’re all dead” I said crossing my arms. “We're going to get into his head” Peter said ignoring my comment.


I polled Lydia over to the side “I'll do it but you tell me the truth, do I really have a child” I asked Lydia. “Yes” Lydia said “I’ll tell you who its only if you help first and only if Scott doesn’t know about it” I said to Lydia. “So, do we have a plan” Deaton asked me as I walked back over to everyone “Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil Stiles's mind to unearth pale and sickly Real Stiles. Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious, but he's not going to do it alone” I said to everyone.

“What do you mean” Star asked me as I looked at Scott “somebody needs to go in with you Scott, and that someone is Star” I looked at Star with my arms crossed and smiled at Star. “What why me, why not Lydia he loves her” Star said “because you’ve already been threw Stiles’s mind before so you know your way around it and you still have the Gitsunis in you” I said to her as she sighed to me.


“So what do we do if we find him” Scott asked “you're going to have to guide him out somehow, try to give him back control of his mind and his body, and defeat the Gitsune” Peter said to us. “Defeat the Gitsune, how are we going to do that” I asked “ “we” aren't, you are” “what, why me” “because if you defeat him then you also can get rid of the Gitsunis inside of you” Peter said to me. “What, what if this is just another trick” Scott said “when are you people going to start trusting me” Peter asked “I meant Stiles” Scott said “what if he tricks us” “then you trick him” Peter said.

“Scott, we're running out of time” Deaton said to us as I sat next to Stiles and Scott stood behind us as Peter placed Scott’s claws where there suppose to go and Scott pushed them into the back off our necks. I opened my eyes and looked around seeing I was in a white room, Stiles’s room at the hospital. I quickly went to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn’t open. I took a few steps back, drew my claws, my eyes turned red, and I quickly kicked the door down.

Everything went back to normal as I looked both ways and followed my senses. I quickly turned to the right and ran down the hallway calling out “Scott, Scott where are you, Scott”.


I opened my eyes and see that I’m strapped to a bed in a white room. I polled at the strapps but couldn’t get out of them “Scott, Scott where are you, Scott” I heard Star yell outside of the room. “Star I’m in here” I yelled out as I saw her outside and tried to open the door but it was locked. She looked at me “its locked, can’t you get out” she asked me “I’m strapped down” “do you actually need me to remind you that you're a werewolf, a Alpha” Star said to me a bit mad/ annoyed.

“We're in Stiles's head” I said “and you're a supernatural creature with supernatural strength, break free” Star yelled the last part. I polled at the strapps until finally they broke and I was able to get myself out. I polled at the door as Star pushed on the outside of it and it finally broke the lock as she walked in. “What now” Star asked me “I don't know, this is my first time in someone else's head” I said as Star gave me a look like really.

Teen Wolf (Book 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora