Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


“Hey, where the hell have you two been, the police are leaving” Styles said walking up to Scott and me “why are they leaving” I asked Styles “the police? They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here” Styles said to me “who” Lydia asked walking up to us.

“He has to be here” Styles said as Lydia looked around “you ok” I asked her “that sound, the buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder”. “How loud” Styles asked her as we all looked at her and Styles went to go talk with his dad. “Who are you texting” I asked Scott “my mom, I need her to bring a few things for me” Scott said. “Fallow me” Scott said as I fallowed him, a little bit later we met up with his mom in the hallway.

“You got it” Scott asked as his mom handed him a bag with something inside of it “promise me you'll be careful, both of you, I looked right in this guy's eyes, and it was terrifying” “don't worry, I got his back” I said leaning on Scott's shoulder “okay, Mom, I promise” Scott said with a roll of his eyes at me “okay”.

We met up with Allison, the twins, Issac, Styles, and Lydia “Lydia thinks that he's still here even though the cops searched the whole school. But they didn't have one thing, our sense of smell” Scott said giving everyone something of Barrow's. “The Bestiary is literally, if I'm going to find anything about flies coming out of people's bodies, it could take me all night” Allison “and remember, the word in archaic Latin for fly is musca” Lydia told Allison as she snuck out.

Styles and Lydia ran off some where “where do we start” the twins ask “upstairs” Scott told the twins as they ran off “so this is how it's gonna be now? We trust them” Issac asked. “Just because I'm letting them help, doesn't mean I trust them” Scott said “besides Star will be fallowing them” “what” I quick asked, looking at him.

“Listen it will be faster if they have a Alpha and I'm a Alpha and so are you” “well why can't you go with them” I asked Scott. “Go” he said as I sighed and ran off.

“I don't trust them, or like them, in fact, I hate them and just want them to die” Issac said to Scott “well, if Barrow's actually here and he's got a plan, you might get what you want” Scott said.

I fallowed the twins as they looked around “you got something” “no, you” the twins asked as they looked around “nothing. All of a sudden we heard the fire alarm and they quick ran out as I fallowed still not being seen.


“Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right” Lydia asked “yeah, with Ethan and Aiden and Star, the plan is we meet in the middle, in the boiler room” I said to her. “All of the wolves, all of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room” “oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school, we have to get them out of there. We have to get everyone out” I said panicking.

“How do we do that” Lydia asked as I looked around and I saw the fire alarm and quick polled it. I smiled as Lydia looked a little worried behind me. “Couch is right behind me, isn't he” I asked as Lydia shook her head. I was dragged outside with the rest of the students. “Wow. Pulling a fire alarm on Mischief Night is one thing, doing it when there's a mass murderer spotted nearby is insane! If I was four years younger, I'd punch you”.

“What, Coach, that doesn't make sense” I said “oh, well, it does to me” Couch said and walked away.

“Did you find anything” Styles ran up to Scott and I, we lost the twins somewhere “we didn't find anything. Not even a scent” Scott said then an idea came to my head "I have an idea" I said as everyone looked at me "Scott I need your help, fallow me" I said as Scott and I ran back inside the school. "What's your idea" Scott asked me "we'll you know how Alphas can hear and smell better then normal werewolf's" "ya" Scott said. "Well Alphas can but when it comes to a Alpha who can change onto a real wolf then they can smell and see better then a werewolf Alpha" I said to him. "So you want to change into a wolf and go around school trying to find this guy" Scott asked me "exactly" "then why do you need me" "because I need someone to go ahead of me to make sure there's no one in the building, and invade I get my head ripped off I need someone to carry me out" I whispered the last part but Scott heard me.

"Go to the end of the hallway and make sure no one is hear" I said as Scott ran ahead of me and checked "your good". I sighed as I bent down and changed into a silver/ gray wolf and shook my head with a growl as Scott looked at me wide eyed and smiled "cool". I ran as Scott started to run ahead of me and we ran threw the school trying to find the guy; after awhile we couldn't find him and I could smell him ether nor could Scott. "We've looked everywhere he's still not here" Scott said as he had his back turn to me and I changed back into a human with blue jeans and a gray shirt. "I don't know we're he could be, maybe he wasn't here all along" I said as Scott quick turned around when he heard my voice "that is cool" I did a small laugh "does it hurt when you change" Scott asked me.

"The first time yes but it's just like when you gye's change now" I said walking around until Scott and I finally have up and went back outside.

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