Saved - 5sos Fanfiction

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Alison Collin is your extraordinary teenager, a girl that doesn't fit in anywhere, a girl that no one really notices, a girl that just walks in the background. But even if no one really notice her, she notice everything. She can read people, she loves just watching people, coming up with storys that could have happened to that person. She's an A student, loved by the teachers, hated by the pupils. 
She's had a dark, rough past, which she would rather not talk about, just keep it to herself. Not many people - nearly any - know what she's been through, which she thinks is just the way it should be, that, she could not be more happy about. But things happen as time pass by, life is pushing her as she's balancing on a thin wire between life and death. Will she fall and let death catch her in its arms or will she stand tall? 
But what happens when she suddenly has to move away? Not away to another city, but to a whole new continent, as well as a new country. Will she find her life better or worse? Will a certain person keep her happy or will he just bring her down? 


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