Chapter 17

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I was in a house. A big , dark,  scary house.

I went inside.

I walked up the stairs to see a hallway with 2 doors.

I walked into the first one.

To my horror, I saw Rachel, Hanging in the middle of the room, By her neck, A pool of blood below her.

"RACHEL!" I screamed. "NO!"

I ran over to her, hearing the door shut behind me. I looked around to see a huge chain lock in place, keeping me inside the room.

I turned back, but instead of Rachel being there, It was Robbie.

He was Hanging, just as Rachel was.

I threw up a bit in my mouth. "Why..." I sobbed. "Why...?"

Then, I saw flashes of my worst fears.

There was Robbie, Dead.

There was Rachel, throwing up her guts like she used to. Soon after she collapsed. Dead.

There was my 4 year old brother, Running across the street, To have a car come across and hit him.

Flash After Flash After Flash.

I cried and cried, each one worse then the last, more heart wrenching, more gruesome.

I was sweating, and my lungs felt as if they were on fire. I screamed, but no one heard. I cried, but no one came. I finally gave up, as the flashes subsided. I took deep, shakey breathes, The tears still running down my face.

"This can't be." I said

"But it is..." A voice said. I didn't know who, But it sounded familiar.

"Who's there?" I said.

The voice was quiet again. I quietly cried, lying in a pool of my own blood and tears. Willing it all to end. If only it would end.

Suddenly, The pain stopped, And I could get up. I cautiously got up and looked around. I was no longer in the same room.

"Hello?" I called out.

There was a sudden flash of light, And then, a mirror appeared.

It was me, trapped in there. I was crying, bloody, and looked scared.

I looked at me sadly until she reached out of frame for something.

A knife.

She looked longingly at the knives blade, as if she wanted it...

I stared at myself in shock, as mirror me just examined the knife.

Then she did something drastic.

She plunged the knife into her body... blood exploding around the stab wound.

Mirror me's face went blank, and her body went limp, as she fell to the ground, blood seaping out from her.

There was another flash of light, and the mirror disappeared and was replaced.

It was replaced by a table with a single knife placed on it.

I felt myself walking up to it, looking at it.

There was another flash.

There were ropes, with people behind them.

"Just do it!" One of them screamed.

"We don't need emo's like you in our world!" Another yelled.

"No one fucking likes you! " Another Shouted.

I took in all their taunts, my tears beginning to flow. But they weren't tears. They were blood. I let them flow, As the people kept shouting terrible things at me.

"DIE EMO SCUM!" One yelled again.

I looked up to see my own mother, shouting at me. Next to her was my father, Then my sister Megan, my brother Jonathon. They all screamed at me as I reached down and grabbed the knife.

"Kill yourself like the pathetic loser you are!" Someone familiar yelled.

I looked up to see Rachel, screaming. But it wasn't my Rachel. She had no cuts, no brusies. She held a rope in her hands, yelling at me to just end my life.

I blinked another bloody tear and turned around.

I saw Veronica up against Robbie. She was practically grinding up against him, and Robbie looked like he was enjoying it.

"You're a Fucking disgrace to this world! No one will ever love you! End your life! End it!" Robbie screeched.

I blinked away another bloody tear and looked down at myself. I turned the knife so that it was facing my stomach.

"End it! End it! End it!" Everyone chanted.

I blinked away one last bloody tear before plunging the knife into my body...



Editer here,

If there are any typos please say so in a comment thanks

~ Kayla

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