Chapter 5: Bella's first day

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Alice Cullen bounced around the house, her usually chipper attitude seemed to be amplified ten fold. "Colette's niece starts school today!" Alice's voice rang throughout the house. "We know Alice, you haven't shut up about it since you saw it last week!" Edward argued with his sister, Emmett smirking at the fight about to break out.

"Her name is Isabella, but prefers Bella. Please don't pester the poor girl Alice." Carlisle spoke from his own room. Esme laughed lightly, slapping her brother's arm. "She wouldn't be Alice if she didn't." "I take offense." Alice grumbled, a small frown on her face as even Rose snorted as the house shook with laughter. "It's okay Alice. We wouldn't have you any other way." Esme told the girl, bringing her into a hug that the pixie accepted gleefully.

"I only ask one thing, and this stands for all of you, make a good impression, please. Bella is Colette's pride and joy. Protective as well, just keep that in mind." Carlisle told the five children.

Rosalie huffed going back to sorting through her closet. "She just doesn't want a human to become involved." Emmett explained as many of the siblings looked at where the blond had disappeared. "She approves of Cole." Alice countered. "Colette's different." Rosalie snapped as she didn't want to talk about another  human.

"That may prove interesting then." Alice said, the tone of voice she uses when she knows something that no one else does. "Well, spit it out." Emmett told his sister, not one for being in the dark.

"Colette and Carlisle may not be the only mated pair." Alice said quietly. "Alice, what do you know?" Carlisle asked. "Edward, I've seen him several times with Bella. He looks happy, in love." She said happily, but it was soon deflated as Edward growled from his room. "I'm not mated to a human, Alice!" He grumbled. "You're gonna be happy, get over it!" Alice stated, just as annoyed at her gloomy brother. Emmett chuckled, making everyone look at him. "What? It's funny when she's mad." He said and Carlisle shook his head.

Looking at his brunette daughter Carlisle sighed. "We'll take it as it comes, okay Alice. We both know these things cannot be forced. Having one human in our midst is enough to be on the Voltori's radar, having two should prove interesting." He said looking at Alice as she nodded. "If I see anything, I'll let you know." She told the coven leader as Carlisle nodded.

Grabbing his briefcase and the small cooler that Esme had packed him, he was off to work, hoping that the news of Colette's niece starting today would be a good omen.


The five Cullen children unload from their designated cars. Edward was still in his bad mood from earlier in the morning, that was until he caught an unfamiliar scent. "Where is this oh so important new girl?" Emmett asked Alice as a girl none of them had seen before climbed out of a rusty orange truck. "Please tell me that's not her." Emmett said glaring at the piece of junk truck, paying more attention to the vehicle than he was its owner.

The four other children looked over to Edward, finding his eyes glued to her as she made her way to the front of the school. "Of course she has a horrible sense of fashion." Alice grumbled and Rosalie turned to glare at her. "That's what you're worried about? Unbelievable!" She hissed walking off in the direction of the school, Emmett following not far behind.

"Good luck." Jasper said quietly, setting a supportive hand on his brother's shoulder, walking off in the direction of the school, Alice on his heels, her arm wrapped around his. Edward looked down, lightly kicking the blacktop that had crumbled over the decades. "Yeah, I'm gonna need it."


The Cullen children went through the day without a incident with the Swan girl, which was surprising as the student body for the side of the school was not by any means large.

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