Chapter 41: Where's Colette?

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Charlie didn't know where to turn. Esme had been trying to find Colette, but yet not straying too far.

Charlie was still trying and waiting for any sightings of Adam White, though he didn't know if he wanted to actually come in contact with him or not.

Bella was drowning in depression in her room, not talking to anyone but if you paid enough attention, you could see how her eyes seemed to flick to her door, almost if anticipating, waiting for her aunt to come through.

And lastly Cole, she had ran off, taking cover within the cliffs and mountains surrounding the Olympic peninsula.


In the small village of La Plush mud coated the tires of an older police car, its occupant, worried about what he was there for.

From what Charlie had heard about what the boys from the reserve could do, he was skeptical, but vampires existed, so why couldn't they be something different.

Billy had told Charlie that the boys would find them when the Cullen's had left, that they knew the woods better than anyone, and that they would track someone for sometimes miles. Esme explained that it was a bit more complicated than that, but it wasn't her story to share.

Charlie had called his friend, and explained what had happened. He explained that he didn't need to know the why's and how's, but Colette was gone, and he didn't know where. That if the boys could find her like they did last time, to please help him.

Billy had instructed him to go to Sam Uley and Emily Young's house. He was the leader and he could help.

So that was where Charlie was now. His police car sitting in front of the small wooden house that somehow still had flowers alive in the homemade boxes that hung on the front railing, even though it was September..

Stepping out of the car, Charlie was met with the man who had brought Bella back to the house, Sam Uley. "Charlie." "Sam, hey." "Billy told me what was going on." "He did? Can you help? You found Bella when none of my men could." "We can."

"We?" Charlie asked as two other boys came from the house, shirtless and only in a pair of cut off shorts. "Paul, Jared, this is Chief Swan or Charlie." "Hey." Paul said as he nodded. Jared waved but couldn't say anything as he was scarfing down one of Emily's muffins. "Jared!" Sam huffed and Jared's large eyes went to him. Clearing his throat he spoke. "Sorry, Hey." He said after a minute, Sam shaking his head at the younger boy.

"Charlie? Cole mentioned you. She said you were her brother." "He is, dumbass." Sam said and Jared looked between the two. "She also said you knew." "Knew what?" Charlie said and Paul scoffed. "That she's a leach." Paul snarled and Charlie stepped back. "Paul!" "No, he's right. She's a vampire, they all are. Then they left, leaving only Cole and Esme."

"They left one?" Paul asked. "She stayed on her own accord. She couldn't stand to leave after we'd just met." Charlie told them, then furrowed his brows. "How do you know about them?" "They have their secrets, we have ours." Sam told him and Charlie nodded understandably.

"Do you need anything?" "Just your Cullen's permission to be across the border." Sam told him and Charlie furrowed his brows. "The less you know the better." The alpha reassured him and Charlie nodded hesitantly.

Reaching for his phone her dialed the familiar number. "Charlie?" "Esme, Sam needs your permission to cross the border." Charlie told her. "He has it. Just please find her before he does." Esme told them and the wolves stopped to look at the Chief of Police.

"Who?" "Adam White. Her abusive ex-boyfriend turned vampire. He has a power that we don't quite know about yet, be careful." Charlie told them and Sam nodded. "Thanks. You heard him boys. Let's go." Sam told the two other boys as they seemed to take off into the woods.

"What are they again?" Charlie asked into the phone. "Both a nuisance and a blessing." Esme told him as she hung up. 


It was late into the night, and the wolves were still out, expecting rain the following day, they wanted to track as far as they could.

They were just about ready to turn in for the night when the sickly sweet smell of a vampire hit their noses. The large black wolf walked ahead, its massive paws smashing the undergrowth beneath its weight, but it seemed like as soon as they found the scent it was gone.

It had lead them to a rock face, no where to go but up. At the thought, the smaller of the wolves, whined as its brown eyes met a dark gold half way up the mountain.

Shifting back, Sam was out of his element, but he knew she responded the best to him. "Colette!" "Sam, go away." She told him, her voice seemingly floating on the air. "Your brother sent us out for you, so you're coming with us whether you like it or not." Sam told her and she glared at him.

"I'm dangerous!" She said, "Aren't you supposed to protect humans from things like me?" She questioned. "We don't protect them from their family. You may be a leach, but you're not one that's a danger. Not that we've seen. Your brother and your niece need you, and you need them." Sam told her and she nodded.

"I could kill them." Cole fought back, but Sam had a comeback."Charlie could get killed at work, or a car accident, or heaven forbid he eats too much stake. Point is, everyone dies. If you don't trust yourself, don't let yourself be put in a position, but humans die faster than us. Enjoy them while you can." Sam said softly and Cole jumped down, landing right before him as she wiped her tears. "Let's go." She said as stars at Sam, her eyes showing the appreciation that she couldn't voice at the moment.

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