Chapter 30: Baby Names

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The house was quiet as the boys decided to have a hunting party. Cole had to beg for Carlisle to go with them as he was nervous about leaving her with Adam still being out there.

Esme and Cole had been in the kitchen looking over cook books as Esme wanted to learn how to cook all of Charlie's favorites. Esme had gathered all of the family cook books from the Swan house, surprised by how some of them were falling apart. She knew the basics, and could follow a video, but trying to follow someone's written instructions were different.

Cole had shown her their mothers fried chicken recipe, and their grandmother's lasagna. Cole had explained how Charlie liked his fish, but he only truly liked it fried, but he shouldn't have it all that often as she knows that just about every time he goes over to Harry's he gets on his famous fish fry. Trying to explain eating habits to someone who doesn't eat was harder than Cole thought it would be, but she got it done.


Alice was held up in her room trying to get some finishing touches done on a dress she was putting together, so Colette figured she would see what Rose was up to. Walking up the stairs she could hear the scratching of graphite on paper, so she figured she was sketching, as she liked to do, or she was doing something else. Knocking on the door, Cole got a 'come in.' Taking a few steps into the room, Colette fell face first into the bed.

"Bored?" Rose asked as she looked at her friend with a smile on her face. "Yes." Cole mumbled out, her face full of mattress. "You wanna help me pick out baby names?" Rosalie asked. "Really?" Cole asked as she sat up, her full attention on the mother to be. Rose nodded. "What do you have so far?" Cole asked. "Well for a girl I am thinking Lillian Edith McCarthy Cullen, and for a boy I am thinking Leonard Anthony McCarthy Cullen." "Why those names?" Cole asked as her head turned slightly.

"Lillian Edith is for me, my middle name is Lillian and so we can call her Lilly, Edith is Emmett's mothers name. Leonard Anthony is because I really like the name Leonard and we could call him Leo, and Anthony believe it or not, even though Edward annoys me greatly, he has become a certain inspiration to me. I don't think I could do the things he has, and he lives in constant turmoil due to his annoying gift and Isabella's blood. He was there for me when I turned, even if it was Carlisle who changed me for him, though we hated each other to begin with, he helped me mentally. Before I found Emmett, Edward and I would have long talks about my mental status. He helped me in his own way. So Anthony is for Edward, his middle name anyway." Rosalie explained.

Tears collected in Colette's eyes. "I think they are beautiful!" She told her friend. Cole was proud of her friend. Rose had obviously grown over the decades of her life, but since finding out she was going to become a mother, she had grown even more. She may have grown over the years, but she was still Rosalie Lillian Hale, the seventeen year old from New York. She has matured recently, and Cole couldn't be more proud.

"What's beautiful? Except for my two favorite girls?" Emmett asked, coming into the room and kissing Rose, then her growing stomach. "Should I be offended?" Colette asked, looking at the bear of a man. He turned to look at her and smirked. "You're a girl?" He asked as he shielded himself from the thing that would be irrevocably thrown at him. "Hey! Not my good heals!" Rosalie hissed. "Don't worry Rose, you won't be wearing them for a while." Cole told her and she huffed. "Still." "You'll be able to wear them after she's born babe." Emmett told his wife but both women stopped at his words. "She?" "I'm team girl all the way." He told Cole as she raised her brows. "You just don't want your child to be named after your brother." "Hell no I don't!" Emmett sassed.

Things started to get too touchy feely upstairs for her between the couple, so Colette went to find her own mate and would you believe she found him in his office, legs crossed as he read the newspaper. Cole looked at him, and it was like time had stopped. Again the small child she had seen before that had her blue eyes and his blond hair that hung in ringlets just as hers did as a child was seen running around the office.

"Colette?" Carlisle asked as he realized she was just standing there, staring off into space, or what he thought was space until her blue and gold eyes were shining brightly as they followed something invisible to the older vampire. The sound of her name seemed to break her out of her trance like state, a smile on her face like nothing had happened. "You look like a proper father, Carlisle." She told him and he chuckled, his mind still reeling from what had just occurred. "Maybe I would like to be one. A proper father I mean." He told her and her eyes gleamed in happiness.

"Really? You'll give it a try?" She asked. "If you are willing?" He said. "Let's not rush. After all you are a father Carlisle. All of the children look up to you as a father, he'll even Bells does." She told him and he smiled. " Of course darling." He told her. "I could just imagine it. A blond haired, blue-eyed baby." Carlisle said and Colette's mind flashed to the child that she had been seeing. "What color were yours?" She asked. "When I was human? Green." He told her. "Then why blue?" "Because your eyes were and still are the most mesmerizing thing I have ever seen." He told her as he cupped her cheek, his golden eyes staring lovingly into her duel colored ones. "I love you my romantic Romeo." Colette told him softly as she kissed his lips. "And I you my dazzling juliet."

A/N: Let me know how you are liking the update on this story. It not only helps me to update, but it also lets me know what you guys are liking so I can incorporate more parts into the story later on!

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