Chapter 35: Bella's Birthday breakfast

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Trying to put the previous days thoughts out of her mind, Cole wrapped the presents she had gotten her niece. Three in total.

Rushing over to her brother's house she knocked on the door. "I'm coming." She hear Charlie grumble from the other side, and a smile lit up her face. Cole had felt bad for not seeing her brother more. As he opened the door, those thoughts went away as his bed head and sour face had greeted her just as they had all the times before.

"Lottie, it's six in the morning." He grumbled rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I'm sorry, but it's Bella's birthday and I wanted to be here when you woke her up! Plus I doubt you have your presents wrapped." Cole told him with a look and he sighed.

"She said she didn't want any presents this year." "Charlie, come on. Every kid wants presents." "She's not a kid anymore Cole. That's why I didn't wrap her gift. If it's not wrapped it's not a gift." He smiled, thinking he outsmarted the system and Colette laughed. "Whatever." She smiled as she gently pushed him aside walking into the house.

"What are you doing?" "Do you not want birthday Pancakes?" Cole asked and Charlie's mouth snapped shut. As he started to coffee pot, Cole glanced in the fridge. "I see you haven't been starving." She said as she eyed all the wrapped up containers of left overs. "Esme's been a big help in that department." He smiled and She smiled at him. "I'm glad you found someone Charlie." Cole said as she leaned against her brother, him throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"We're taking it slow." He reminded her. "I know, I know, but still. You're happier. I can tell. Can't a little sister be happy about that?" Colette asked and he messed up her hair as he chuckled. "Yeah, I guess. I am happy Lottie. She does make me happy." "Esme may make you look like a sugar daddy though." She said and Charlie looked at her with raised brows, "A what?" "Nothing, never mind." She said laughing.


Twenty minutes later Cole had the batter made and the bacon fried. She was beating eggs in a bowl when Charlie came back down the stairs, actually dressed instead of a t-shirt and some sleep pants.

His hand had reached for the bacon and before she could stop herself, her hand reached over smacking his before she knew it. A yelp rang out and she damn near dropped the bowl of eggs.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." She apologized, inspecting his hand as Charlie cradled it, nothing broken, just surprised more than anything. He constantly forgot about their strength, but was reminded of it on occasions such as these.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked feeling incredibly guilty. "I've been shot before, a little slap on the hand isn't nothing." He told her, but the shock was still there but he tried to cover it.

"I think it might be time to wake up the birthday girl." Cole changed topics and Charlie nodded.

Grabbing her presents from the table, she made way up the stairs and to the room that belonged to her niece. Cole snuck, leaving her presents on the dresser, and did what Bella did to her every year they were together for their birthdays, jumped on the bed to wake them up.

"Happy Birthday!" Cole yelled out as she bounced on the unoccupied part of the bed, as the teen squealed, her heart racing. "Aunt Cole!" Bella yelled out a laugh as she woke up enough, realizing what was happening. "Happy Birthday Bells!" She said wrapping her niece in a hug. "Cold. Cold." Bella said as Cole's bare arms were touching her arms that had just been under the blankets minutes earlier.

Charlie stood awkwardly at the door. "Happy Birthday." He smiled as he walked in. Bella saw the presents from her father, and the ones on her dresser, and clicked her tongue. "I thought we agreed no presents." Bella said and before Charlie could argue Cole butted in.

"Every body wants presents on their birthday, and if you don't, suck it up. Plus your dads isn't wrapped so it doesn't count. Just be happy I'm not throwing you a party." Cole smiled, not telling her of what the pixie Cullen had planned.

Charlie handed her the camera, as Bella smiled, knowing she did indeed like the gift. "That's actually great. Thanks dad." She told him with a smile. "It goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated. Well, she coordinated with me." Charlie said as Bella tore through the paper, a smile on her face. As she looked at the large book. "It's to put your pictures in from senior year." Charlie told her as he sighed.

"Senior year. How'd you get so old so fast?" He asked as Cole's head shot up. "I didn't. It's not that old." Bella told him. "I don't know. Is that a gray hair?" He asked as he picked at a few fly away strands. "No. No way!" Bella gasped as she rushed over to her mirror, looking, only to see that her father was playing with her. She sighed in relief, as Charlie had a shit eating grin on his face as he chuckled. "Happy Birthday." He told her as he walked from the room. "Don't touch that bacon Charlie." Cole yelled down the stairs.

"Now my turn." Cole smiled as she got her presents, bringing them to the girl who sat criss cross applesauce on the bed. "You really didn't have to get me anything aunt Cole." "I know, but eighteen is a big accomplishment. You'll do so many new things this year, and you need some new things to do that." Cole told her niece, handing over the smallest box first.

Unwrapping it, Bella saw that it was a jewelry box. "Really jewelry?" She asked her aunt, but Cole just made a continue motion with her hands. When she opened the box, it was an infinity sign, with two blue sapphires. "I'll love you to infinity and beyond." Bella muttered, a smile coming to her face.

It was an inside joke between her aunt and her since she was young. Bella had loved space, and as a present one year, Cole had gotten Bella a buzz light year toy, and the only thing it said was to infinity and beyond. Every time Cole would tell Bella she loved her, Bella would press the button, and so it became their own little thing.

"Thank you." Bella said, her eyes getting misty as Cole pulled her into a hug. "I'll always love you Bella. To infinity and beyond." Cole smiled.

Bella grabbed ahold of the second gift, it being longer, but skinnier at the same time. Opening it, Bella laughed as about ten different bookmarks fell out and across her bedspread. They were in all different colors, and had different jokes and sayings on them. Bella read through them all, her smile getting larger at every one.

"One last thing." Cole said giver Bella the last present. "I know you like your music, and your phone can only hold so much." She said with a giddy look on her face as Bella unwrapped an iPod touch. "Oh my god." Bella mumbled as she stared at the new device she held in her hand. "Ive already put some money into a iTunes account so you can get the songs you want."

"Thank you so much!" Bella reached over pulling her aunt into a hug. "You're welcome Bells. Now you get dressed and I've got birthday pancakes that are ready to be cooked. Come down whenever you're ready, okay." Cole said as she hugged her niece once again, and headed down the stairs to get breakfast going, and to see how much Bacon Charlie ate.

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