Chapter 31: The Belle of the Ball

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The Cullen house was beaming with excitement, well, for the women it was. Rose and Alice were putting on their dresses, as the boys grudgingly got into their tuxedos.

Carlisle and Colette were running around making sure everything was perfect. Well, Cole was. Carlisle was watching her with a almost worn out expression on his face. It had been two days of non-stop talk of prom, and since Cole never went to hers, she wanted this year to be special for the girls, including her niece. She had been running around constantly, Carlisle thought she would wear through the hard wood.

Edward being the fastest of the group, of course was done first, his hair swiftly turned up into his signature hair style.

"Why don't you ever do anything different with your hair Edward?" Cole asked and he looked at her. "What's wrong with it?" "Nothing, it's just always the same." "And?" "And, don't you like a little variety in your life?" She asked. "I have you and Bella in my life. I think that's all the variety I can take." He told her with a smirk and Cole stuck her tongue out at him.

"I have the corsage for Bella, her dress is blue, your tie is blue, so is her flower. It goes on her left wrist. I know you know her preferences, but she'll be overwhelmed. Let her lead you. Your best bet is outside, away from people, so you guys can be in your own little world."

"Colette, let him breath." Carlisle said coming up beside the pair. "I'm just giving him pointers." "He's been around for a long time darling." Carlisle told her as he wrapped his arms around her. "Im going to pick up Bella." Edward said awkwardly, as he pointed over his shoulder to his car. "Have a good night! Tell Esme I want pictures! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Cole yelled as Edward scurried from the house, his cheeks tomato red if he was human.

"Why do we have to wear these stupid things?" Emmett grumbled coming down the stairs, and Cole thought she could hear seams popping. "Emmett, I'm sure your not the the one growing. Why are you complaining?" Colette asked with a smile and Jasper chuckled.

"Jasper, sweetie, your ties crooked." Cole told him going over to fix it. "Thanks." He told her, "I'm used to wearing bolo's." Cole smiled passing the two boxes to the boys.

"We were supposed to get flowers?" Emmett asked and Jasper smirked. "You've been married for how long?" He asked as he went to kitchen, walking back out with a vase of flowers. "Damn it." Emmett cursed. "If you've been married this long, I'm sure she expected you to forget. Just remember the corsage goes on the left wrist. Flowers on top." She told them as she heard the girls upstairs. "Stay down here. Im gonna see what's taking them so long." Cole said as she made her way up.

"Rose?" "My dress won't fit!" She cried as Alice tied to calm her down. "How close is it from fitting?" Colette asked. "I don't know!" Rose cried but Alice looked at the dress and tried remember how it fit in the shop. "Maybe a inch." Alice told her, "She had a little wiggle room in it originally." "Okay, just a minute." Cole said going out and into hers and Carlisle's room. "Is she okay?" Carlisle asked. "Her dress won't fit." "No one took her pregnancy into account?" "It was bought before hand, Carlisle." "What's your solution?" "Spanks." "What?" "Never mind. Just keep the boys downstairs, and their suits clean, please." Cole told him. Carlisle nodded and headed back out the door.

"Rose." Cole called at the door as Alice opened the door. "Did you find something?" "Maybe." "Have you heard of spanks." "Yes!" Alice said, then piped down. "It sucks you in. It won't hurt the baby in any way, but will hopefully give us just enough room for that dress to slip on." Cole told her and she nodded. "Let's try it."

After shimming in, Rose breathed, out of breath. "Let's try the dress now." Cole said and Alice nodded. "This better fit." Rose grumbled, and Alice giggled.

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