Early-morning Disappointments

Start from the beginning

Groaning I rolled over onto my stomach.

Open it up, we need to see what's inside.

I peeled off the O'khasis seal and took one look at the writing-


Wvzi Gviib, R nfhg zwnrg gsrh hlfmwh orpv z urmv luuvi. Ru dszg blf kilklhv rh gifv, gsvm dv droo yv ivzwb.

L'pszhrh droo zxg lm gsv slfi.

- T. I

"What even is this?" I groaned. My eyes shot open when I heard an alarm go off.

"No. Why? Why this again? I have already gone through two alarms this week, I refuse to go through a third. You know what? I'm not even gonna move, I'm just gonna lie here and wait for someone else to take care of it for once." I rambled, using the pillow to cover my ears.

After about two seconds I gave up and got off my bed.

"Wishful thinking, huh?" I muttered, opening the door. I saw Alesa and Shelby opening their doors as well.

"What's with all the noise, I was trying to sleep!" Emily complained while opening her door. We had a few spare rooms and she took one of them, no doubt redecorating it to suit her style.

I actually gotta check that out later.

"Why is there an alarm?" Alesa looked panicked.

"Because this week hates me, that's why." I groaned.

"Quit standing around, c'mon!" Shelby took off down the hall and we followed. I didn't know where the alarm was coming from, it just seemed to come from everywhere.

As we ran down the stairs, skipping every few steps, I heard the painting hatch swing open.

"What the hell is going on?!" Max jumped out, flames already sparking at his fingertips.

"We've got a call." Jin was next, hurriedly pressing buttons on his watch screen. He held his wrist out and a green holographic square popped up. The image flickered as the green words, 'incoming call' flashed up on screen.

The rest of the guys came out, all three animals following behind them. KP hopped onto our couch and curled up, ready for a nap. Thundermuffin and Goat however stayed by the sides of their respective owners.

"Agents," Donna's face came on screen. "We have an emergency."

"What?" Adam questioned. "A lot of things could've gone wrong, we need more than that."

"Where's Red and Emily?"

"Right here." Red pushed past the guys and we stepped aside for Em to be in view.

"It's the replacement team, the ones who took over your mission on Enki Island while you two were here and Bre and Morgan were helping Tim recover. They're in trouble."

"Wait-" Emily stopped her. "You mean-"

"Agents Gargon, Shark, Pug and Carl, that's right."

"Who?" Ross asked.

"Tommy, Dawn, Uni and Corey.." I muttered. All of them had gone with nicknames as code names, except for Corey. When Logan was authorizing code names, Tommy had said Corey wanted his to be Carl and when Corey objected Logan couldn't be bothered to change it. So now he's stuck with it.

"What about Ashlie?" Emily continued.

"She's the one who warned us. She was also the only one to get away."

"Figures." Red snorted.

"What exactly happened to them?" John asked.

"They got caught and need back-up, now." Donna insisted.

"Alright," Alesa nodded. "We should get our stuff and go, let's hope we get their in time." I nodded and ran up the stairs as the boys went through the hatch.

Welp, so much for climbing practice.


Hint: The clue for the code Garte's letter was written in is 'Gravity Falls'.

And if you don't know anything about the show, don't worry, you'll find out what it means later on anyways.

Also, I don't expect anybody to figure it out in their own. Once you know what you have to do, for your sake- unless of course you find decoding extremely easy- use an online decoder or something.

I tested out writing 'hello' in that code, and even that was annoying.

I'll read through this later since I've learned that if I edit chapters I can never do it immediately for some weird reason. I know not much happened, but hopefully you learned a little more about the world of the DIVINE.

And until next time,

I'll catch you guys on the Interweb,


-Onci <3

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