They were waiting by the stand, all happily holding various snacks, while I was dying on the inside. I was proud because I had gone the entire day without eating a single thing and I was not going to mess this up.

"Ready?" Auburn asked.

I nodded, silently walking beside them to the theatre the movie would be showing in. We went inside and sat in a row near the middle. Auburn and I were sandwiched in between Connor and Max, who sat on both sides of us.

"Auburn, I'm nervous," I whined to her, leaning over to whisper as a movie trailer started.

"You'll have Max," Auburn giggled.

"Shut up!" I hissed, sitting back in my seat with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Do you want any?" Max whispered, holding his bucket of popcorn over my lap.

"No thanks."

We were quiet after that, and within ten minutes the movie started. Because this was my first horror movie, I had no clue what to expect; but I certainly didn't expect the jumpscare that was in the movie within a few minutes.

I jumped the most out of my friends. Bringing my hands up to my face, I tried to hide behind them as I anticipated another scare.

Max gently nudged me, "You okay?"

"Uh, Yeah –" I almost gasped when his hand rested on my knee.

His touch made my stomach erupt in butterflies, and I was so engrossed in him touching me that I nearly forgot about the horror movie playing in front of us.


"That was the worst movie I've ever seen," Connor yawned as we walked through the main part of the mall to get back out into the parking lot.

"It was stupid as fück," Max chimed in.

"Honestly," Auburn agreed and started laughing. "Daisy, I think you were literally the only scared person in that theatre."

"Shut up!" I whined, covering my face in my hands with embarrassment.

"You're cute when you're scared," Max playfully smirked at me.

"Uh thanks," I awkwardly said, my cheeks hot.

Auburn cracked up at this, leaning against Connor for support as she laughed at me. I couldn't help but admire how cute they were as we stepped out into the parking lot and they parted from us to say goodbye to each other.

"What took so long!" a familiar voice whined, and my head snapped up from the ground to find Lindsay standing near the curb.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for, like, ten minutes!" Rachel chimed in.

"Since I went to the movies, my mom forced me to bring Lindsay," Max told me with a roll of his eyes. "Sorry, we were walking from the theatre."

"Oh, I didn't know she would be here," Lindsay casually said, looking me up and down.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Daisy!" a voice called from somewhere to my left.

We all turned, and found Luke and Calum walking towards us.

"You know Luke Hemmings?" Lindsay cried, leaning forward and grabbing onto both of my arms.

"Um..." I uncomfortably took a step back and shook her off.

"Who?" Max looked at us with confusion.

"What are you guys doing he –"

"Oh my God! Can I get an autograph?" Lindsay shrieked, cutting me off as she ran over to Luke and Cal before they could even come over.

"Who are they?" Max whispered.

"It's complicated," I said back, watching the scene unfold in front of me.

Lindsay was all over Luke, while Calum awkwardly stood to the side and went ignored.

"I love your band," she giggled as Luke signed her phone case.

Calum coughed and scratched the back of his neck, his face tilted down in a frown.

"If you loved 'his' band then you'd acknowledge the other members too," I spoke up without even meaning to.

Everyone seemed to freeze, even Luke, but he quickly recovered and finished writing. He uncomfortably stepped back, and looked at me with wide eyes.

Lindsay turned and looked at me with narrowed eyes. "I love, um, Calvin. What are you talking about?"

"Calum?" I corrected, giving her a smug look.

Calum and Luke giggled; the awkward tension had been cleared.

"Bïtch," Lindsay swore, walking over to us and stood by Rachel. "Out of all the girls in the school you pick her, Max."

And with that she grabbed Rachel by the arm and stormed off. I watched in shock, my emotions a mix of annoyance and hurt.

"I'm really sorry about her," Max shook his head.

"It's fine," I muttered.

"No, Daisy I –"

"We need to get going," Luke interrupted.

"Oh... Well Bye. I'll talk to you soon," Max leaned in for a hug.

His arms wrapped around me, and I stood still for a couple seconds, until I melted into his touch and hugged him back.

"Bye," I mumbled, watching as he waved Connor over and the two walked off in the same direction as his sister had gone.

Auburn came over, and the second she saw my face she asked, "Did I miss something?"

I didn't answer, instead she got the message and we walked away and followed behind Calum and Luke.


so shït is about to get real um strap yourselves in yall

laisy will make a comeback v v v soon just you wait ;)


also i'm still working on the dan and phil phanfic and i think i have an idea but idk if i should go with it ughh

qotd: favorite fetus 5sos song/s?

aotd: wherever you are and if you don't know !!

stay positive. ily <3

99 skinny (rewritten) // adopted by 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now