Chapter Fifty-Four

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Sora's Pov.

It was so strange, I lived alone for five years but I​ didn't ache as much as when Fumiko left me.

Only three days passed since she was gone and I already wanted to give up. I couldn't withstand the pain of losing her, regardless of how hard I tried and I could barely function from the torment I was in.

This must've been my fate from the beginning, unending loneliness, because I couldn't hold on when I knew I should've.

I wanted to tell her to stay, not go. I wanted to plea and beg her to wait and reconsider but who was I to hinder her life?

Mr Saito mentioned the day before that if I really love her I should let her go and if she really loves me, she'd come back but how long could I wait?

Months? Years?

I was weak, I couldn't survive without her and I pitied myself. I wasn't strong enough to move on or wait, I was breaking apart without her.

I slumped down on the steps of my porch solemnly. Nothing mattered anymore, nothing was the same without her. I was nothing.

My eyes flicked to the ground, emptiness​ and loneliness my only company.

Things were just meant to be that way.


I slowly got up and my eyes met with hers, time froze over in a single moment.

"Fumiko!?" I gasped, blinking back in order to be sure of what I was seeing. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

It was so unreal, she was here again.

My chest overflowed with emotion and I could barely register the blaze of pounding in my heart, watching her smile. I couldn't believe it.


Fumiko's Pov.

I've been running all my life.

From kindergarten to high school, I was trying to get away from the pain and sadness around me. I could never see were I was heading but I always had to get away, constantly leaving everyone behind.

Until Sora.

I went to the city, I got the job but I didn't stay. I thought it was everything I wanted until I realized I was alone. Everywhere I went I saw couples enjoying each other's company but I had no one to lean on. That was when I finally admitted to myself I was an idiot to leave. The only time I felt like I was where I was supposed to be was with Sora and I left him.

All my life I was running away but with Sora I knew where I was heading. Regardless of how far I ran, I would always make it back to him in the end.

I ran quickly, breeze against my face, slipping a little in the wet soil beneath my feet and being scratched by bushes but I didn't care. I had to make it to him.

I was out of breath but I pushed on, his face alone giving me enough energy to continue.

I was going to make it to him.

I almost collapsed from exhaustion when I finally made it to his house but the shock of seeing him slumped over and alone by his porch stilled my heart.

His entire image exuded sadness and pain, his eyes lost and distant but he was there.

"Sora." I called almost out of breath.

"Fumiko!?" His face lit up when he realized I was there and tears blurred my vision. I nodded happily, my smile widening. "Fumiko!!!"

I ran to him for the last time because I was never leaving again.

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