Chapter Twenty-Six

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Even months after the incident between Sora and that man, I kept on wondering if Sora was really the person I thought he was.

I pondered about it as I tugged at the end of the coat I had draped on while the wind blew at the scarf around my neck.

It still surprised me that it was already winter because only a few months ago school began in September and now I was already on my Christmas break.

It still surprising that only a few months ago I had met Sora. Now he was everything in my life.

I smiled when thought of him and the way he'd always been kind to me. My cheeks flushed when I held my gift for him close to my chest.

It wasn't anywhere near Christmas yet, but because I was going away to spend time with my uncle I decided to give it to him now because I wouldn't be back until New year's Eve.

I smiled at him when I saw him slouching on his porch with his cheeks pinched from the cold.

I stood still for a moment and watched his playful expression as he leaned over and traced his name in the snow. He looked so much rosier and healthier now that he wasn't spending as much time outside working, his almost unhealthy paleness, replaced with a warm glow.

"Sora" I called drawing his attention. His face glowed with innocent youth when he looked at me making my heart melt instantly. Though I smiled back at him I couldn't stop seeing the twisted expression I'd seen him wear, so I had to wonder if he was really the same person.

"Fumiko!" He said jumping to his feet. "It's odd seeing you here now?"

"Yeah, I know but I thought I would see you again before I go."

Sora smiled sadly at me before nodding. He didn't have to say it for me to know that he was going to miss me when I was gone.

I kept on saying to myself that it was only going to be for a week but just the thought of missing him made it seem like years.



"What's that you have in your hand?"'

"Oh, it's..." I clutched the blue gift box closely in hand as I neared him. "It's for you" I said holding it out for him."I'm not going to be here for Christmas so I thought -"

"Wow!" He said taking the box and opening it.

"You like it!?" I asked pleased by his expression.

"Yeah! How did you know that I needed one?" He said  wrapping the blue scarf I bought him around his neck.

"Yesterday when I saw you, you weren't wearing one and I thought it would be nice if-"

"Thank you!" He cried pulling me into his arms. His face was so warm against mine that I pulled closer to him.

We were so close but then,

He let go of me.

His downcast eyes and expression showed so much sadness as he ran his hand over the scarf.

"I'm going to miss you" he said not meeting my eyes while still staring down sadly.

"I know" I said without thinking.

The corners of his lips lifted to form a smile but he quickly forced it down.

"So we aren't going to see each other until New Years..." His voice trailed off in disappointment as he continued tugging at the end of the scarf.

"Yeah, but I promise I'll be back in time for us to celebrate it together"

I smiled at him again but this time he smiled softly back at me.

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