Chapter Forty-Nine

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"I'm sorry about the long wait, you all must be worried."

"Is Sora okay?" I asked, cutting straight to the point although I had a slight tremor in my voice.

"Are you his family?"

"No," My father answered for me. "We're his friends. I don't know if he has any relatives."

"I'm not sure if I can discuss-"

"Please!" I begged, not caring how pleading my voice sounded. "I just want to know how he is."

He considered it for a moment then finally, he nodded in agreement. "I guess I could make an exception in this case."

"Please, just tell us how he is." My mother inquired.

"We stopped the bleeding and closed all the wounds in his abdomen not long ago and also, we've given him a few sedatives, so he's resting."

A warm feeling bubbled up in a chest, I gasped, relieved and thankful that he was safe.

"He was very lucky," The doctor continued, "The knife didn't hit any of his vital organs but he lost a lot of blood. He's going to be weak for a while but if he takes care of himself he should return to normal."

Tears burned the back of my eyes but I swiped at them before they could fall.

"Can I see him?"

"I don't think that would be appropriate at this time, he just came out of surgery so he should be resting."

"I have to see him!"

"Please understand that -"

"Just let her see him!" My father finally stepped in. "He ended up in that state because he protected her! Can't you let her meet him just once?"

Sora's POV

My eyes opened slowly before I squinted at the bright light in the room. My body felt stiff and my vision was a little blurry but I could make out details of the room I was in.

To my left was a window and to my right a beeping, I looked around confused because everything around me was unfamiliar.

I attempted to pull myself up but I cringed when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen so I went back down.

My chest was wrapped up with thick bandages and it hurt whenever I tried to touch them. I closed my eyes and within moments I remembered everything that happened.

I was stabbed - A man attacked Fumiko but I stopped him from hurting her, but where was she?

"Fumiko!?" I looked around the room slowly but in pain and even though I was feeling a little light headed, panic rose in my chest. I pulled myself up again because I couldn't lay back anymore, I had to know she wasn't hurt, I needed to know she was safe.

The door of the room pushed open and Fumiko ran inside.  I couldn't help noticing the tears in her eyes but I smiled, seeing that she was okay.

"Sora." Tears slipped down her cheeks and I lifted a pained arm to wipe them away.

"Don't cry Fumiko, I'm right here." She leaned on the bed beside me and cried even more, I tried to comfort her but she was crying too hard.

"Y-You were hurt because of me." She wept. "I almost lost you."

I stroked her hair and rubbed her back, feeling guilty on my part because I know she was coming to see me. She needed all the comfort she could get because she went through a lot of trauma.

"It's alright." I cooed as she leaned onto my arm and cried heavily. "I'm here, so it's okay."

She trembled with each sob, her beautiful face washing over with tears.

I love you.

My grip on her back tightened as I remembered what I said. I confessed that secret I was holding in my heart.

What should I say now?

"I shouldn't have come." Her head was still down, her hair obscuring her face as she spoke.

"I want you here."

She shakily looked at me, her expression pained. "I've hurt you more than anyone else. All I've done is bring pain to your life."

"That's not true." I stated honestly but she didn't take it.

"If I could go back in time, I would've stopped myself from letting this happen, I wouldn't have gone to you. If I could've stopped myself from going to you, I would've but that wouldn't prevent me from trying to see you again. So maybe it would've been better If I didn't even go to you on my prom night."


"But even then," Tears slipped down her face. "Maybe we shouldn't have ever even met. If I just cried and forgot about my problems, and went straight home, I wouldn't have needed to run away. You would've been better off not knowing me."

She lowered her head again and sulked. My hand found it's way again to her back and I pulled her even closer.

"Would you want me to forget about you? Would you want me to stop feeling for you and move on with my life? Do you want me to do that?"


"I love you, unendingly and passionately, even if I can't see you anymore and you're too far away, I always have your memory with me."

Her eyes sparkled with tears and I pulled her unto the bed next to me.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened in my life."

She curled up next to me on the small hospital bed and buried her head against my neck. I stroked her back, ignoring the pain and the burning feeling of drowsy, tiredness.

"Sora," she peered up at me silently. "I love you."

Warmth poured over my body, hearing her words, and even though I knew it for a very long time, my heart leapt.

"I love you." I repeated and her face flushed.

Even though I could feel the drugs in my system kicking in, I held onto her hand and stared at her face. Her beautiful, sparkling eyes and pink lips.

She was definitely worth dying for.

"Fumiko." I looked up and saw her mother standing at the door, she scowled at me. Fumiko's eyes followed my gaze but when she saw who I was staring at, she simply cuddled closer to me.

"Don't worry. I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you."

Her mother must've heard her words because she looked furious but she didn't come between us.

I smiled a little sadly, even though I loved her and she loved me, she still wasn't mine.

Our ages - They'd never approve.

"Fumiko," I said weakly, the medicines the doctor probably gave me kicking in.

"You are always mine, always."

I didn't get to hear her response because the lights in the room faded and even the beeping from the heart monitor slipped my mind.

I could only remember the lights paling in the room and seeing Fumiko's beautiful face before I dozed off.

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