Chapter Forty-Seven

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"I can't believe how rude he was!" Mrs. Saito exclaimed, fuming.

Sora and I were seated on his porch listening to her dilemma while her husband looked around uneasily.

"Mrs. Saito, I don't think he meant it." I told her, trying to get her to calm down.

"My own son! How could he say that to me! That ungrateful-"

"Haruka," Mr. Saito warned. "Let it go."

She turned to him with heat colouring her face.

"You're taking this quite lightly aren't you? To believe he grew up here with us and we did all we could for him to have a good life and he shows up after so many years and wants to put us in a retirement home!"

"I don't think he meant to insult you." Sora supplied calmly.

"Well he did!" She shouted and turned away. "Of all my children, he's always the most obstinate! Just like his father!"

"What!?" Mr. Saito objected, and they both stared at each other heatedly.

"It's alright." Sora pleaded, breaking them up. "There's no need to fight. Both of you still love him equally so there isn't much of a deference to how you feel."

I smiled warmly at Sora because of how wise he was even amongst his elders.

Mrs. Saito turned away from Sora and pouted her lips while her husband sighed in agreement.

"Haruka lets not fight. We should be glad he visited, we haven't seen him in years."

"Yes, I know." She agreed.

"Then let's not argue."


They both started smiling at each other again and my cheeks blazed with colour. It was so amazing to see how well they made up with each other, the way a husband and wife should.

"Mr. Saito, I think we should head out now if you're done quarrelling."

He nodded and picked up his work tool and Sora lagged behind.

"We'll be back later!" Sora called and I waved at him.

Even though I was quiet, I was upset that he was working when we should've been spending more time together. On the other hand, I couldn't argue because I knew his work meant a lot to him.

"Mrs. Saito."

"Yes Fumiko?"

"How many children do you have?"

"Oh, you're curious about that?" She smiled and beckoned me over to where she was, beaming. "I have four children, my eldest son and daughter should be around your mother and father's age."

"Oh that's really nice! I hope they're all doing well." I stated with surprise.

"Oh they are!" She remarked happily. "My eldest son, Junichiro, works for a company in Canada and he was the one who visited today. My second eldest, my daughter otsūi, she's an entrepreneur and she's also given me the most grandchildren. My younger son, Kei is a co-editor for a newspaper firm in New York and my last child and daughter, Sae works as a nurse. It's a bit ironic though because growing up she was always sickly."

I nodded, taking in all the information before something struck me.

"Mrs. Saito, none of your children took up farming?"

She sighed and shook her head, though still smiling.

"No, they all decided to follow different paths but I can't be angry with that."
"I agree."

"Sometimes I wish I had a child like Sora, he's always so kind and he likes the same trade that my husband and I do."

"Sora is extraordinary, I know that for a fact. Someone as kind as him is a rare gift to see in this life time. Anyone would be happy to have him."

"I know, I know, it's just a shame he never had a family to appreciate him. Especially with a father like his and growing up without a mother."


"Mrs. Saito, I've never heard about Sora's mother before."

"You haven't? Well I suppose there isn't much Sora could tell you because she died when he was very young."

"Oh, I didn't realize." I said shocked but saddened. "How did she die?"

"Awfully, she was hit by a truck delivering goods at the farmers market."

"Oh my god! That is awful!"

"Yea, it is. It hurt a lot to know she went that way. She had such a sweet character and charming personality, I still miss her."

"You knew her well?"

"Yes, when Sora's parents, Kaito and shibame, moved here we talked a lot. I used to hold Sora when he was a baby while she went out, though his father and I didn't see eye to eye on everything."

"That means you knew Sora his entire life."

"Yes, if you say it like that."

"Mrs. Saito." I laughed. "That means you are Sora's grandmother then."

"Yes, I guess that would make me his grandma." She beamed. "Fumiko, you have no idea how much I love Sora. When he left for the city when he was fourteen, I missed him so much. I was so glad when he came back so I can't even imagine losing him again. He is my grandchild as you said."

Warmth burned into my chest and I instantly realized I wasn't the only one who needed Sora in my life.

"Mrs. Saito, when I leave again, can you take good care of Sora? Please don't let him be alone or sad because of me. I know it won't be enough but I lo-"


I flinched back when I realized Sora and Mr. Saito were coming back.

"You're back already?"

"Yeah! I couldn't do any work because my tools are missing again!"

"Mr. Saito, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this." Sora added.

"Of course there is! Thieves!"

"I don't believe-"

"Believe me Haruka! They're hiding around here! Just wait and see!"

I giggled a little but a part of me felt dread when I thought about the possibility.

"Sora?" I called and he came to where I was.

"What is it?"

"That's not true, right?"

"Of course it's not, don't worry."

A heavy weight lifted from my chest and I started smiling brightly again.



He looked over at Mr. and Mrs. Saito and smiled.

"Don't worry about anything, I'm here for you."

"I know, that's all I need."

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