Chapter Thirty-Two

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I swung my racket around for a moment before sitting back on the bench behind me. I couldn't help feeling nervous as I looked across the court at all the other competing schools.

We were at an all school tennis championship and I was really excited at first that we had made it there and even more ecstatic that we had a chance to make it to the finals.

All my other teammates were busy warming up and taking pictures but oddly enough I could only feel settled sitting on the sidelines.

"Fumiko!" Natalie cheerfully called to me as she strode over to were I was. I smiled to her briefly before looking back out onto the court. "Nervous, huh?"


"Come on, I could feel the tension steaming off you from way across the court"

"It's just that I, um" I sighed and straightened up as I took another glance around. It was an indoor court just like the one we had at our school but with the exception that it was huge. It had a lot more seats for spectators and blinding fluorescent lights hanging over head. It was an arena built for champions, not me.

"Come on Fumiko"

"I'm not like you guys, I can't play that well and the only reason I'm here is because of Jake. I shouldn't have been chosen to be here"

"That's right" Natalie stated blankly. I went to say something else but decided to hang my head in shame, the feeling of being out of place strengthening. "You're right, you're only here because Jake chose you, the same way he chose me."

"Natalie, it's not the same "

"Hold on let me speak. I know Jake and he's not an idiot. He must have brought you here because you have potential regardless of what you think."

"Natalie, I know what you're trying to do."

"Just listen to me! I know Jake, he brought us to the finals last year and he worked really hard on this team. He wouldn't do anything to compromise that, not even for you. So if you're here, you're meant to be here."

I paused before smiling at Natalie as I took in her words. Her pep talk really boosting my confidence.

"Thanks Natalie"

"Anytime" she smiled as she looked across the court again. Just then I heard the sounding for the line up of teams over the speakers. "Come on Fumiko, let's go"

I hurriedly made my way up to the rest of my teammates, they're faces beaming with pride from just being there.

"Alright, come on. Let's do a head count and Jake, you be sure to write down the names for the judges." Our Coach said.

I couldn't help smiling as I stared at my coach, his eyes set on us like we were truly champions.

Our coach seldom came to our practices but he was always there for the matches. The reason was mostly because of Jake. He was always able to handle our practices by himself. The other reason was because he was still attending college. He was a past student from Henson's high and also the first person to bring us to the championship and win.

"Alright, as I call your names, step up" I quickly tightened my grip on my racket before drawing closer to him. I blushed a little as he smiled at me but it was only because of how attractive he was. He was tall, slender and had a lean body. His hair was a murky dark brown colour and he wore rectangular rimmed glasses. He was sharp, lean and attractive, his gaze never faltering and fierce as he was no push over. He had brought us here to win, and we were going to win. "Anastasia, Fumiko, Lily, Natalie and ..." I smiled silently as I stepped up. My chest filling with confidence.

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