Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was a rainy day in January, when all the roofs were dripping wet and the streets were glistening under the street lights.

I stood at the corner of a shop, glancing up the black glimmering street as more rain beat down on it.

I couldn't help standing there as the disappointment of the evening wore into me.

I wouldn't be able to see Sora today.

It was raining too much so it was impossible for me to see him, so I stood there thinking of what I could do with the rest of the evening.

I squeezed onto the end of my umbrella and glanced up the street again. Somewhat praying that the rain would stop but it only fell harder.

I cursed under my breath at the rain for stopping me from seeing him before putting a hand over my mouth in shock.

If Sora had heard me...

I smiled a little before thinking back to new year's Eve. Ever since then, I felt a little different, maybe even a little older in some aspects.

Just as I was about to cross the street I froze when I heard the door of the shop across from me swing open. A bright familiar laughter behind it.

"Thank you very much Mr. Johnson! I'll see you again soon!"

I stood there soaking up the voice under the pelting rain, the sound drowning out my thoughts.

"Sora" My voice was barely audible over the sound of feet tracking through the rain but he froze.

He still noticed.

At first he hesitantly paused but then he turned directly to me.

Our gazes locked over the rainy pavement as he approached me.

Sora looked at me blankly for a second before bursting a happy smile at me.

As he crossed the street I ran to meet him when I saw that he didn't have an umbrella. Instead he had on a hat and a raincoat which he was holding up bags of grocery against.

"I can't believe your here!" I said a little too excitedly.

Sora smiled at me before grasping my hand and nodding.

We said nothing, we just stood there watching the rain pour down on the street.

Our hands locked in silence.

"Fumiko" Sora said breaking the stillness.

"What is it?" I asked turning to him.

"Don't you ever think how odd it is that we've lived in the same town for so many years but we only recently met each other?"

"Huh, um...I guess so"

"It's so strange how things come together" he smiled at his own words and tightened his grip on my hand.

Come together?

"So strange"

I smiled at him again as a simple realisation hit me.

"So, we've never ran into each other on the street before, so what are you doing here now?"

He laughed and held up the bags of groceries he had.

"I was picking up groceries. I thought I would do that because I wasn't going to see you today.

He smiled again, looking at me with beckoning warmth .

"You're right"


"We always do seem to run into each other."

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