Chapter 44~ Sleepover

Start from the beginning

The room is quiet for a moment.

“This sucks.” James sums it up for everyone.

“Yeah it does. But don’t worry! I’ll still see you at school and graduation. It’s just that this is probably our last time actually hanging out.” Niall explains, trying to reassure them.

“We better make the best of this night then,” Emma says confidently.


“The pizza is done!” James hollers to Bella who is down the hallway using the restroom. She comes sprinting in on the hardwood floor and slides on her socks. She breaks into a fit of giggles at the random rush of adrenaline.

“Woah! That was fun! You guys should all try it!” She keeps moving into the kitchen to take out our food.

It’s already 2am but we all decided that we could eat. We are all young kids; we are growing and need protein. That was our excuse for eating so late anyway.

Emma randomly stands from her seat and runs down the hall towards some of the bedrooms. She is quick to return and in her hands she has several pairs of socks. She tosses a pair to each of us and many laughs escape. I quickly pull on both socks and stand up. I walk onto the wood floor and back down the hallway.

“Here I go…” I push off of the corners of the hall and sprint down the small wooden pathway. Once I pass the couch, I slide into the kitchen and giggle at the simple entertaining activity. Bella laughs when she sees me skid to a halt by the open oven.

She sets the pizza on some hot pads and closes the oven door. She runs passed and glides into the living room. Emma passes her and joins me in the kitchen on her slippery socks.

I can hear all the guys debating if they really should do this. They think it’s childish but it’s obvious that they all want to attempt the stunt.

“Come on Niall!” I yell from the kitchen. “The socks aren’t going to slide themselves!”

I hear him chuckle and he appears at the end of the hallway. He pushes off the wall like I did and sprints towards me. I dodge him and he skids to the fridge.

James and Aaron follow suit and we are all surfing around the wooden floorboards like little kids. All of us are grinning and Bella turns the stereo on to a fast paced song. I start dancing crazily across the floor and Emma and Bella join me. We do this all the time, randomly dancing in public. It’s our thing.

I do a pirouette and spin on my toes. When I pause to regain my focus, I see Niall dancing over on the side. He is trying to spin like I was and I start laughing at him.

He looks at me and smirks as he changes his move. He glides across the room with one leg back and his arms straight out. It reminds me of a figure skater. I follow his lead and extend my limbs.

I’m going along steady when Niall trips in front of me, falling to the ground. I can’t stop my momentum fast enough and I fall over his leg onto the carpet.

“Are you okay?” He quickly asks worried.

I can’t even reply. I just start laughing. It’s the kind of laugh when you can’t stop. It’s a laugh that you can’t really explain. Like you don’t know why you are laughing but you can’t stop.

He grins at my uncontrollable giggling and he starts chuckling along with me. He scoots his body up to face me. My back is on the carpet and I’m holding my stomach from the ab workout I’m getting with all the snickers. Niall props himself on his elbow and he smiles down at me.

Another burst of giggles rake through my body and he bites his lip. It’s so cute when he does that, like he’s innocent.

Unexpectedly, he leans down, connecting our lips and silencing me. I move my hands to the back of his neck and pull him closer to me. His plump lips open slightly and close again over mine, sucking slightly.

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