Chapter Thirty Four

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Hey guys!!!

sorry for the wait, i finally finished my course and was able to FINALLY FINISH THIS CHAPTER OMFG!!!!

i hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as i have enjoyed writing this book, it is coming to an end

i will be posting other random chapters about the futrue stories and things!!

you should also check out my instagram!! i get really cool fan art from lovely fans!!

insta: rhi_thephantom

insta: rhi_thephantom

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Chapter Thirty Four

It is the one special day of the year that many share all around the world.

I don't know why your 'sweet sixteen' is so special, it's just another number to me. Besides, I won't be spending it with all of my friends, most have gone away on holiday.

I welcome the morning chill, waking me up from sleep. I'm on a run with Panda and she is always energetic for a walk and would do anything to get out of the house. I feel like she's the one taking me on walks!

The houses are so far apart that we only need to go around the block once. Sometimes I've hated living here. There are no people my age and they are all rich snobs. So living at Foxan Academy isn't so bad.

Panda runs straight into the house to the back yard to play with her toys. How she still has energy after that long walk, I have no idea.

"Happy Birthday Harper!" Dad squishes me in a bear hug as he greet me.

"Ugh, Dad!" I whine and he lets me go, chuckling.

"My baby girl is growing up too fast, I couldn't resist." He grins.

"Ha ha." I sit at the kitchen counter and eat the bacon Dad cooked for breakfast. Panda sits beside me eagerly, with her tail wagging and I sneakily give her some bacon while Dad isn't looking.

"What time are you meeting Sky?" he asks pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Noon, so I have time to spare," I tell him, seeing the time. It's only nine o'clock which gives me plenty of time to do things at home before going out.

"Want to go one on one again?" Dad asks picking up a soccer ball.

"Yes! But I have an advantage with Panda." I smirk remembering Panda chasing the soccer ball when Dad tried to kick a goal.

She is a good defender when it comes to playing against Dad. She always wants me to have the ball so that I can kick it for her to chase, I find it hilarious.

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