Chapter Twenty Two

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^^ Who do you like better as Skyler?? ^^ 

i think i like Logan Lerman more

Another update is here!!!


Chapter Twenty Two

"Good morning Foxan Academy and what a lovely morning it is! This is an announcement reminding everyone the Spring Fair will take place tomorrow so all classes are cancelled today as all students are to participate in helping with the set up. Further notice will be broadcast throughout the day."

The Spring Fair is the one day schools from around the area come together in joy of the warm weather. Rides are being set up on the fields and students are building game stalls.

Food and drinks are made by students doing the class Food Tech as a part of their grade.

I help Miss Penny in the art classroom sorting through art pieces and cleaning desks.

I was the only one who volunteered to help and don't know why as it is mostly a bludge. Cleaning the furniture doesn't take up much effort at all.

An arts and craft stall is made for students at Foxan Academy and students from other schools to have their creative work on display. Miss Penny will choose which art gets displayed and I'm hoping some of mine will be chosen.

I spend all day in the classroom doing as Miss Penny asks. I got to feed Daisy, which was cool. I have no idea how they would get the cow down off the roof, as they can't walk down stairs.

"Thank you for the help Harper. You may go now." Miss Penny tells me when we finish putting away art supplies.

"Thanks miss! See ya at the fair tomorrow!" I wave as I pick up my bag and head out the door.

My hands and arms are covered in paint and it some how got into my hair. Red and blue streaks run through the tips of my hair, maybe one day I will dye my hair a different colour but right now I need a shower to get it out.


I fumble with the bathroom door handle as I try not to drop my things. I have my toiletries wrapped in my towel so that I didn't have to carry it separately, which is failing.

I open the door with relief but freeze mid step seeing Skyler is already in the bathroom. A shirtless Skyler making my face heat up.

Just as I am about to say 'sorry for barging in' I notice a shiny object in his hand. I frown not knowing what it is but then it clicks. I figure out what it is and forget about him being half naked as I realise what he is doing.

"What are you thinking!?" I drop my things and tackle Skyler to the ground smacking the razor blade from his hand.

He's taken aback from my sudden outburst and me holding him down on the cold tiled ground.

"What was that for?" Skyler grumbles, rubbing the back of his head and sitting up.

I take hold of his hand to search for cuts on his arm and find blood dripping from his thumb.

"What were you doing with a razor?" I demand looking straight into his blue eyes searching for answers.

Skyler looks back at me in confusion. "I don't have any scissors to cut the bandages so I was using a razor," he explains slowly.

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