Chapter Thirty Three

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Sorry for the long wait! I am still really bad with updates XD

how has your new year been so far? mine has been busy af

picture of Sky above!! ^^

Hope you enjoy the chapter!!


Ever so gently Skyler guides my head towards his. Our faces become closer making my heart pound and my stomach flip. My breathing has become uneven for what happens next.

Our eyes are closed and our mouths meet eagerly. Not sure what to do with my hands, I lift them up to play with Skyler's hair while his are behind my head and the small of my back. His lips are warm and wet and move with experience. He definitely knows what he is doing so I follow his lead. I forget about wearing a dress, my dad, Martha and the many strangers in the building. The world around us disappears, it's just him and me.

For the first time, I'm kissing Skyler.

Chapter Thirty Three

I have to stop myself from laughing, tasting cheese in my mouth. We did eat a lot of cheese and crackers back when we were inside and tasting it while kissing Skyler has me in giggles.

"What?" Skyler pulls back noticing my amusement.

"Nothing." I bite my lip to stop laughing and he raises his eyebrows. I then see his lips have turned red from the lipstick Sky put on my lips and I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, you have red lips."

Skyler wipes his mouth with the back of his hand staining his skin red and he chuckles. Before he can make a comment his phone vibrates. Skyler takes out his phone to look at the message.

"Sky is wondering where we are," he tells me, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Let's head back."

We put our masks back on and make our way back to the ball. Classic music plays and people dance and continue on with the night. It was like we never left.

"There you two are! Come on Skyler, it's our song!" Sky takes hold of her brother's hands and drags him to the dance floor.

I grin watching them dance like there is no worry in the world.

"Isn't that cute." Edward steps beside me with a glass in hand, also watching Skyler and Sky. I don't like his tone of voice, he looks like he's judging them for having fun. "Would you like to dance?" he asks holding out his hand.

"No, thank you." I decline his offer and walk away. His breath stinks.

I turn back and see Edward has disappeared, nowhere to be seen. I shrug, not caring about his whereabouts and I have bad luck of bumping into someone. Water spills down the front of my dress making me cold and damp.

"Sorry!" The boy apologises handing me a napkin.

"It's alright." I look up but he's gone. I frown as he was just here in front of me. I didn't imagine it, did I?

"Harper! Are you okay?" Sky asks concerned, her voice breathless. She must have seen what happened and rushed over.

"I'm okay," I tell her, still looking for the boy who I bumped into. He left in a hurry and I wanted to know if I knew him since he sounded familiar. "Did you see who it was?"

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