Chapter Fifteen

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here is a picture of Skyler!! -> -> ->

more pictures of the guys coming soon!

Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!!


Chapter Fifteen

Being back at Foxan Academy feels me with joy. Apart from the snow still covering the paths and slipping, its great to see the guys again and able to play sport indoors.

I find the guys sitting around in the spare room catching up and talking about their holidays.

I sit down on the spare beanbag after greetings and joining the conversation about holidays.

"What was the girls name that you met on the cruise?" Leo asks Reed giving him a suss look.

"Janis Grace." Reed answers proudly with a smirk on his face.

"Out of all of us, you were the one to get a girl." Ivan whines.

"What can I say, the ladies love me." He gets pushed and falls off his chair onto the ground with a thump.

"No one special at the soccer camp Ivan?" I tease.

"Don't get me started on Helga. She was clingy." He groans. The guys laugh and he threatens them.

"How about you Storm?" I'm asked.

"Don't look at me." I say holding up hands. "Soccer camp was full of dim wits."

"Hey!" Ivan nudges me.

"Except you." I grin.

"Did you get lucky Skyler?" Reed asks.

"Nope. I was home the whole time." He answers not looking away from the TV playing assassins creed.

I can imagine him playing x box and drawing the whole time.

"Come on!" He yells at the screen.

"He will never get a girlfriend..." Reed mutters.

"I heard that." Skyler pauses the game. "For one we are at an all boys school, secondly I'm not looking for a girlfriend." He gets up and walks out of the room.

"That was low, dude." Ivan pushes Reed in the shoulder.


My leg bounces uncontrollably as I wait impatiently for Skyler to turn up to class.

Don't get the wrong idea, I'm waiting as I have plan to look at his portfolio.

He finally sits down and I let of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I try to hold myself together before I burst out.

He rolls his eyes. "Do you want something?"

"Can I give you something in exchange to look at your portfolio?" I blurt out. Way to act cool about it.

He studies me for a moment before he answers.

"And what is it I will be given?"

I dig through my bag to find what I'm looking for. I pull out a folder full of loose paper getting it out of the way.

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