Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Ok boys, I want you to meet Harper Storm. She is our new student." The teacher announced, introducing me. She looks young to be a teacher, even for an all boy's school.

I turn my head to the class and tighten my grip onto my bag straps as all eyes turn to face me. Confusion is written all over every boys face in the room. That would be because I'm a girl in an all boy's school.

"Harper, you can take a seat in the back." I nod my head to the teacher and make my way to the back. As I do, I see some boys laughing among them selves as I go past. One of them quickly puts out their foot for me to trip on but I only step over it.

They stop laughing and keep staring at me. Maybe I should have faked tripped...

"Everyone, now looking at me." They turn back to face the teacher instantly. Yep, way too young to be a teacher.

I lay my head on the cool table and close my eyes. This is going to be a long day...

***earlier that week***

"HARPER!" My dad yells. I hold in my laughter and get back to my game. That sure got his attention.

My door is knocked out of its hinges as my Father rages into my messy room. The picture on the TV disappears with the loud sound of my radio.

"Hey!" I screech. "I was almost up to level 98!"

"What is your problem Harper?" says my dad ignoring what I just said. "This is the tenth school you have gotten expelled from and- when are you going to clean this room?! You're worse then me as a teenager!" He gets distracted easily. He picks up an old pizza box and puts it in my bedroom bin.

"Jeez, don't you ever wish I was a boy?" I said sarcastically.

"Why can't you behave normally at school? There are no more schools that would want to take you."

"Dad, they're all girl schools. They don't like to play sports or do anything fun."

"They have netball..."

"That doesn't count." I cross my arms and lean back on my beanbag eating more chips.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"I brought my soccer ball to school." I shrug.

"And?" My dad asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I kind of broke a window... and the statue of the principal." I hold my laughter in again. At the time I was laughing my head off because the principal was so angry that it looked like her head was going to come off like the statue.

"What am I going to do with you?" He says sighing.

"Not send me to an all girls school and get me the basketball hoop I've always wanted?" I ask sitting up in my best kind, loving voice.

"Nice try. I'm going to find you a school that will accept you and hopefully you will be able to stay for longer than a year."

I groan and slump back down in my beanbag. Why can't there be any mixed schools around here?


At dinner I play around with my food, as I don't feel like eating. At the dinner table is another one of my dads flings. He's in his thirties and still looks young. After my mother died, he hasn't been able to get over it. He tries to forget with being with other know what I mean.

"Bec was telling me about a school her brother goes to." I look over at Bec, my dad is going to need help sooner or later, and they are getting younger...

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