Chapter Two

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Second chapter is here! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes! I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter Two

Have you ever had a moment when you don't know what to do in an awkward moment? I'm in that moment right now.

I instantly cover my eyes from the sight in front of me. Any girl would keep staring but I'm not like most girls. This is just awkward.

"Why are you in my room?" I ask the five boys who I saw before I covered my eyes. Lets just say they weren't properly dressed.

"Oh um sorry, we didn't know that we were getting a new room mate." One of them said.

"More like room girl." Someone mutters.

"Yea, could you please get out of my room? I would like to get some shut eye." I say holding my hand closer to my eyes if possible.

"The rooms a bit-"

"Doesn't matter." I quickly say so that they can get out of my room.

I hear movement around the room but still keep my eyes closed. I also hear someone chuckle as they walk pass me.

Once I know they are gone I remove my hands from my eyes. The room is a pigsty! Oh well. Home sweet home.

I push what ever is on the bed off and collapse on it not caring I am wearing the same clothes. Yes! Wonderful sleep at last.


As it is a Saturday, I can sleep in. But noooooo. There's always something that has to wakes me up.

I heard some noises when I was coming to. I didn't know what it was so I kept on sleeping. When the noise became more annoying I decided to get up but then... It stopped. I thanked the Lord and got another ten minutes before it started again.

I slowly start to open my eyes to find two golden eyes directly in line with me. I'm still half asleep so I didn't register till a few seconds later.

"Ahhh!" I scream from the closeness and in the process of doing so, I fall backwards off the bed. Onto my butt.

The kid starts laughing and rolls around on my bed. I stand up and rub my butt from the soreness. Why the heck is he on my bed? And how did he even get into my room?!

"How did you get in here?" I ask him once he has calm down from laughter.

"The door was unlocked and I thought the guys would be in here!" He tells me wiping away tears of laughter.

"Uh huh." Note to self; remember lock the door at night.

"How old are you?" I ask curious. He looks too young to be in high school yet. Even his messy long light blonde hair shows that.

"My brother said not to talk to strangers. And you're a girl in an 'all boys' school so I would be the one asking the questions." This kid is smart...

"Philip, get out of her room." Says a guy from my bedroom door. Philip gets off my bed and does as he is told. "Sorry about that, he's visiting for the weekend."

"No problem." I say rubbing my eyes from sleep making my vision blurring for a few seconds. I look to see that the guy is still standing at my door. He has the same golden eyes as his brother, except his light blonde hair is shorter.

"I'm Harper." I introduce standing up and holding out my hand. First guy in this whole school that has talked to me so I'm not going to be rude.

I still have bed hair and he probably recognized that I'm wearing the same clothes that I wore last night. Oh well. He can think what ever he wants. I can't be bothered to change into pjs when the clothes I wore that day would need to have a wash anyways.

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