Chapter Eighteen

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the band i won the competition of the album cover was "5 Seconds of Summer" and the prize was disappointing tho i am still stoked that a actually won something  

sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!


Chapter Eighteen

"You've been missing for the last few weeks." Luke states as he leans against the locker next to mine. "Someone like you is easy to find."

"If you really must know, I was sick and have been busy with homework." I respond. I close my locker and walk to my next class attempting to leave him behind.

He soon catches up and I do my best not to scroll or roll my eyes.

"So, have you found your skateboard yet?" He asks stepping in toe with me.

"I found it behind the schools dumpster." I tell Luke bluntly. "In half."

"Oh shit. Sorry to hear that."

It becomes quiet and the awkward silence kicks in. I continue to my class, which is on the top floor, and Luke still follows me. He doesn't seem like the type to do art class.

"Don't you have class?" I ask as we reach the last staircase.

"I have study hall and feel like ditching." He shrugs. So he is either a junior or senior.

"Sounds fun." I try to make it sound sarcastic.

"Want to skip with me?"

"I have art and don't particularly want to miss it."

"Come on." He pleads grinning like an idiot. "We will be back before lunch."

"Don't you have friends?"

I stop out side the classroom door not entering just yet.

"Yeah but I see them all the time." He shrugs and leans on the wall on the other side of the door.

"I hardly know you."

"Now's the chance to get to know me."

"Do I want to know you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Up to you." He crosses his arms and his stare is intense.

I chew on my bottom lip and look through the window in the door into the classroom. They are all seated and Miss Penny is getting ready to start the class.

I spot Skyler in his usual seat. We are meant to start a group project today and we paired up together. The guilt is going to eat at me if I go. He should be fine with out me, right?


Luke grins taking me by the wrist and drags me all the way down the stairs. I keep a straight face from the slight skin contact.

"We can't just leave the building." I say as we make our way outside.

"I've done this plenty of times." Confidence in his voice. "I know my way around this school like the back of my hand."

He takes me to a different exit at the gates surrounding the school and we surprisingly don't get caught by anyone.

Just as we get off school grounds my phone buzzes notifying me that I got a text message.

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