Chapter Five

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It is midnight, Roar by Katy Perry is playing on the radio and I have finished Chapter 5!!!


Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes!!!

Chapter Five 

Two more challenges to complete and I'm gonna be apart of the team! 

Leo isn't going to give me a challenge as he thinks I am capable of already being in the team, though I wouldn't of minded another challenge.

I wonder what the challenges are going to be. I've already eaten worms and won a soccer game, what else do they have up their sleeves?

Being the fourth day at this new school and being a long weekend, I have nothing to do as I don't have any homework.

Today being Monday it is a pupil free day so the challenges I had to do during school got changed to Tuesday. Another day off school!

My computer is dead so I can't play computer games or order anything, the tv I ordered hasn't come yet so no x-boy games and its not the type of day to do anything outside.

I might as well go around the school so I can get familiar with it for Tuesday.

I grab my skateboard and phone and leave my room. I haven't seen any of the guys today mostly because I was in my room, being a hobbit, but other then that I haven't heard any doors being open or voices. Probably because I was playing flappy bird the whole morning. 

That game is evil. Before I can pass my high score the bird either goes too high or low then CRASH! Game over!! If you are wondering my high score is 13. The unluckiest number there is.

The game apparently got deleted off the app store from being so popular but I will never delete the game till hopeful one day I will get to one hundred!

When it comes to trends I always get into them later then everyone else as flappy bird came out ages ago and people are now playing piano tiles, which was once called white tiles.

Getting out of the dorm building I make my way into the school building. It's opened all day everyday and closes at the latest at nine from clubs and late classes.

They also have weekend class for those who want extra class or need help.

Walking around in the building aimlessly I see a sign.

There's a map?! Thank you Zeus!

I walk up to it to find where I am. The only thing missing on it is a big red dot showing 'YOU'ER HERE'. My face falls as I have no idea where the heck I am. 

This school is like Hogwarts! Old building that looks like a castle from the medieval times. The only modern parts are the dorm rooms and sports areas.

I take out my timetable and look for my first class which is science in room B4. 

I ride my skateboard down the halls looking for B block. I'm currently in A block so I shouldn't be too far, though I have no idea how I got here in the first place.

I decide to get directions as I don't want to end up lost.

"Hey!" I shout to get a boys attention. He turns around to only drop his books. "Do you know where B block is?" I ask him. 

"Ah..." He starts to shake and he fixes his glasses from sliding down his nose. "D-down the hall a-and to the right up the s-stairs."

"Thanks!" I thank him and go in the directions he told me. I left him speechless, probably because I am a girl and not the whole school knows of my existence yet.

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