Chapter Twenty Three

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Hey reader! sorry for the wait but I'm back!!!! :D

enjoy the chapter and I hope you all like the new cover!

Chapter Twenty Three


"I'm home!" I call out dumping my bag at the door. "Oh wait, no one's here." I shrug it off and make a beeline to the kitchen.

I go through the pantry and get all the packets of chips and what ever is unhealthy. When I'm depressed and not happy with dad I pig out to piss him off.

I dump it all on the coffee table and stretch out on the couch getting comfortable. Normally I would shut myself in my room or the games room or go outside and kick some goals but right now I don't care.

Dad wants to marry the spawn of Satan so I can do whatever the heck I want.

I turn the TV up really loud, thanks to the all around surround sound system we have it can be heard in every room.

After hours of flicking through Netflix watching movies to pass the time, dad and Bec walk through the front door carrying boxes of flowers and decorations. It looks like a lot for a wedding since they just got engaged.

I can feel the burning of Bec's glare on the back of my head 
I put on a new movie. 
"Turn it down Harper!" Dad shouts over the noise.

"I can't hear you!" I respond not looking back.

He snatches the remote off me and turns the TV off.

"What are you doing? You know eating all of this junk isn't good for you." Dad crosses his arms over his chest. "We need to talk about-"

The doorbell rings saving me from the talk dad wants to have. I want to avoid anything to do with the wedding.

I run to the door and can't keep the grin off my face seeing Sky.

"Hey Sky! Come in." 

Dad raises his eyebrows, 
not expecting me to have a friend over, which is a girl.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything..." 
Sky says blushing.

"Nah you came at the perfect time." I close the door. "Dad, Sky. Sky, dad and witch." I do a quick intro and grab Sky's wrist and take her up stairs before either one of them says anything.

"Nice to meet you!" She says to be nice as I drag her up stairs. I can hear Bec scoff in annoyance.

"You just saved me before dad could have a 'serious' talk with me." I collapse on my bed stretching out once we have reached my room. "So, what did you bring?"

"I have my computer and devices." Sky tells me patting her over stuffed handbag.

"Awesome. Let's take the witch down." I say bouncing off the bed. We set up her laptop next to mine on the desk

"What are we looking for?" Sky asks putting on her glasses.

"You wear glasses?" I ask amused and also surprised.

"Only when needed." She smiles sheepishly.

"Skyler said something about money being transferred into different accounts." I say getting back on topic.

"How would we know if she's been stealing money?"
I open my side drawer and pull out a folder of bank details that I printed off ages ago.

"When Bec first started dating my dad I stole her credit card and did some online shopping." I smile at the memory. "She wasn't very good at keeping her bank details a secret so I could see how much money she had but now I can't get into them."

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