chapter 50

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** 1 week later **
Lina's POV
     I step on the brake right as a car drives pass the hood.~ my coffee slips on the floor; great. I go through my purse and find my phone; I call Jace's parents. I soon pull up in their driveway and knock on the door. Scott answers and lets me in. I walk into the kitchen and see the twins eating. They hop off their seats and run towards me.~ I hug them. Jackie clings on longer and says 'is daddy ok?'~ I look into her eyes and say 'yes, he's just taking a nap.' Jackie nods and finishes her breakfast. Jace's mom brings me into the living room and whisper 'what's the update with Jace?' I sit on the couch and rub my temples. Jace's mom sits next to me and says 'is Jace ok? Lina please tell me.' I play with my bracelets and mumble 'no.' Jace's mom's eyes widen and says 'what do you mean no?' I stand up and say 'Jace isn't ok! The bullet went too deep and he's not recovering well.' I scan the room and see the twins~ tears roll down their cheeks. I walk towards them but they run upstairs. I sit on a couch and mumble 'I'm such a screw up.' My phone buzzes; the hospital. I answer and the nurse says 'Mrs. Norman, Jace is going to have to be taken into surgery to get the bullet out.'
I keep in my tears and say 'ok, thank you.' I throw my phone on the other side of the couch and curl into a ball. I hear footsteps come closer to me~ I look up and see Scott. I brush away the tears and Scott says 'Lina, don't be so hard on yourself.'~ I look into his eyes and say 'how can I not be hard on myself?! Your son is in the hospital because of me! He may not even wake up!' I pick up my phone and walk out.
** later that night**
Brittanie's POV
           Lina's car pulls up and she comes stumbling up the stairs. I run towards her and hold her up. I set her on the couch and say 'did you get yourself drunk?'~ she nods. I slap my forehead and say 'are you kidding me? You have a child growing inside of you!' Lina laughs and says 'really? I totally forgot.' As soon as she says that Giovanni walks in.~ he kisses my forehead and waves at Lina. I get up and head towards my room. I sit in my makeup chair and breathe in.~ I feel arms wrap around my shoulders and a kiss on the back of my neck. I look in the mirror and see Gio. I play with his ring and say 'I'm so stressed.. Lina is acting like a little child.'~ he laughs. I rub my temples and say 'I have to go pick up some groceries at the store, do you mind watching Lina?'~ he nods. I grab my keys and get in my car. I get to Ralph's and pick up some pasta and vegetables. I head back into my car and my phone starts ringing. I turn on the engine and my phone starts ringing.~ Jace's parents? I answer and Jace's mom says 'hello? Brittanie, is Lina with you?' I hold onto the wheel and say 'no, she's at my house. What's wrong?'
I hear crying in the background~ the twins. Jace's mom says 'the police are looking for her.'~ my jaw drops. I ask why but she doesn't know. We hang up and I speed home. I enter the kitchen to drop off the groceries. I walk into the living room and Lina isn't there. I walk into the other rooms and don't see her. I "yell" her name but she doesn't answer. I head downstairs and search each room.~ no sign of her. I jog upstairs and check the other rooms. I pass my room and hear sounds.~ I furrow my eyebrows. I open the door and see Lina on top of Gio kissing. I slam the door and Lina scrambles off Gio. Gio gets out of the bed and starts walking towards me.~ I tell him to back up. I look at Lina and say 'what the hell were you doing? I let you into my house because you were feeling bad!'~ she rolls her eyes. I walk towards her and say 'you have a f**king husband and 2 kids! You're expecting a child right now!' Lina fixes her shirt and says 'and? This "lecture" you're trying to give me is crap. It's my fault the father of my kids is in the hospital!'~ she starts to cry. I look over and see Gio looking at us. I throw a bag at him and say 'you need to leave.. NOW.' He gets up and throws some clothes in it. He walks pass me and I say 'you're not going to say anything?! You're part of this!' Gio drops his bag and says 'what do you want me to say?! When I start talking you're just gonna cut me off. So what's the point?'
Gio's POV
I pick up my bag and grab my things from the bathroom. I put some clothes on and grab my phone. I walk pass Lina and whisper 'see you later.'~ she blushes. I look at Brittanie and say 'I'm gonna file a divorce. So screw this ring.'~ I throw it at the bed.' I slam the door and head down to my car. I sped downtown for a drink. I park at this bar and order some drinks. I drink them while seeing all the people pass all the stores. I check my phone and see the time ; 11 pm. I turn off the phone but it starts ringing.~ Lina. I answer and she says 'can you pick me up at the Grove?' I smile and say 'sure, I'll be there in 10.' I step on the gas and head towards the Grove. I see Lina and honk the horn.~ she gets in. I lean in to give her a peck on the cheek but she turns and we kiss.~ she smiles. I start driving and say 'so how was your lecture?'~ Lina laughs and she says 'spectacular, she basically told me how I'm ruining my life. But.. I think I'm just having a great time.'~ I link our hands and say 'I agree.' We pull up at a apartment complex. Lina grabs her bag and says 'this is your place?'~ I nod. We go up to the penthouse and I drop out bags in the living room. Lina is amazed and says 'how do you afford this? It's probably like 5 million dollars at least.'
I laugh and say 'I have a job like everyone else.'~ she playfully rolls her eyes. We walk out to the balcony and I say 'tell me why you came into my bedroom?' Lina ignores the question and I ask again. She sits and says ' Jace and I keep having an on and off relationship, including a divorce. I wasn't feeling myself. I feel bad for making you and Brittanie having to divorce.' I bring Lina closer to me and say 'don't worry, we weren't really working out anymore.' I fiddle with her rings and say 'so you're accepting a baby?'~ she nods. I rub her stomach and whisper 'hello in there. It's Gio.' Lina laughs and says 'what are I going to do? I'm basically cheating on Jace.' I kiss her and say 'just leave him. We can be happy.' She sighs and say 'I don't know. I've done that before and got him into the hospital.' I hold her hand and whisper 'I'll let you think about it. But I promise you I won't be a weirdo.'

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