chapter 40

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Guys I ship Lina and Blake sm! comment if you do too.
Lina's POV
     I furrow my eyebrows and says 'what is it?' Jace breathes in and says 'you're gonna hate me after I say this.' Jace finals says 'last night I had sex with another girl and we slept together.'~I instantly drop his hands. I get up and yell ' YOU HAD SEX?!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT YOU'RE MARRIED? Jace stared at me blank. Tears start to form and I yell 'THEN I'M THE GOOD ONE THEN. I DIDN'T GET DRUNK AND I STAYED TO MY PROMISE!' I ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP!' I look at my hand and see the ring. I take it off and throw it at Jace. I storm into the master room and yell we're done.' Jace follows me and says 'I'm sorry. I was drunk; I didn't know what I was doing.'~I roll my eyes. I throw my clothes into my suitcase and grab my other things. I also grab the twins things. I roll out my suitcase and slip on my shoes. I pull out my phone and text Glory: I'm gonna pick up the twins in 20 minutes.
       I also text Blake: can you pick me up? He replies: sure ❤️. I look at Jace and say 'goodbye Jace.' I walk out and right when I close the door Jace says 'Lina wait...' I take the elevator down to the lobby. I sit down and wait for Blake. 10 minutes later I see Blake and I run to him. He hugs me tight and says 'what happened babe?'~ I smile at his nickname. Tears roll down my cheeks and I mumble ' he had sex with another girl 😭.' Blake looks into my eyes and whispers 'it's alright. I'm here for you.' He hugs me tighter and I bury my face into his chest. We pull apart and he helps me with my suitcase. We get into his car and drive to Glory's apartment.
Blake's POV [ ohh 💗]
      I look over at Lina and put my hand on her thigh.~she puts her hand on top of mine. We pull up at Glory's house and 2 toddlers run up to her. She bends down and hugs them. I get out of the car and look at the kids.~they look like her. One of them looks up at me and says 'mommy who's that?' Lina looks up at me and says 'mommy's friend.' We get them into the car and we wave at Glory. We pull up at my penthouse and the twins tug on on Lina's pants. She picks them up and carries them. I unlock my front door and put Lina's things next to the door. Lina's jaw opens and says 'Blake, you're living a mans dream.' I laugh and say 'I guess you can say I'm living good.' Lina puts the twins down and they run around. I wrap my arms around her waist and say 'when do you go back to California?' She turns and says 'in 5 days.' I frown and whisper 'I wish you could stay longer.'~she dabs my nose and says 'I know you do.'~she grins.
       I head into the kitchen and see what we have in the fridge. I pull out some pasta and heat it up. I feel a little tug on my sweat pants.~I look down and see one of them twins. I pick her up and say 'what's your name?'~she smiles and says 'Jackie.' She has her mom's smile. I dab her nose and say 'do you like pasta?'~she nods. I think 'she looks so damn much like Lina it's incredible.' I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Lina holding the other twin. I look at him and at Jackie. I say 'what's his name?' "Nicky." The microwave beeps and I out Jackie down. I pull out plates and I set them on the table.
* 2 months later *
Lina's POV [back in LA]
I get out of my car and I feel my phone buzz: Blake. I smile and head into the office. I hear my heels click on the floor and I see Jace. I haven't seen him since New York. He looks up from his phone and says 'Carolina.' I stand back and think 'he called me by my full name.'~ I lift my head up and say 'Jace.' The door opens and we enter. The man says 'so you're both here to sign the divorce papers am I right?'~we both nod. After what happened in New York; I gave up on my marriage with Jace. I told him to never contact me again. The man explains everything and I sign. I hand the pen to Jace and he says 'are you sure you want to do this?' I look at him and whisper 'Jace please don't start. We're need to start new lives.'~I point the pen to his chest. He groans and signs the paper.
      I leave the office and text Blake: just left the office. I get into my car and head back to my office. Ever since I came back from New York, Blake has been such a sweetheart. He helped me find a new apartment and he then asked me 1 month ago to be his girlfriend. I feel my phone buzz and it's a text from Jace. I roll my eyes and I see the message. I swear I blocked his number. My phone buzzes again:
[Blake]:hey baby, we're going out tonight. ILY 😍
[Lina]: great. ILYSM 💗
I pull up at my office complex and go into my office. Being the CEO of your own company is a lot of pressure but it's worth it. I pass my pa and she says 'Ms. Durnate, you have a missed call from Vogue.'~ " they just wanted to let you know that you're in this week's fashion week.

My jaw drops and I squeal. I pull my phone out and call Blake.
[Blake]: hey gorgeous
[Lina]: hey baby, I have some amazing news.
[Blake]: what is it?
[Lina]: I'm in VOGUE!
[Blake]: that's amazing! congrats

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