Chapter Four

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***A few months later*** ( March)
Carolina's POV
Today is March 21st. It's Jace and my birthday. We were both turning 15, I got him a new penny board. I quickly get out of bed and put on something nice and headed downstairs to grab a banana and I say good morning to my mom. Hi honey she said where are you headed? I say "Jace's house cause it's his birthday too." I grab my bag and go over to Jace's house.

Right when I knock Jace's mom opens the door, she scared me 😂. She says "sorry dear didn't see ya Jace is upstairs." So I leave my bag downstairs and run upstairs to surprise Jace. I get to his room and see Jace walking around looking for something. I quietly walk behind him and cover his eyes and say "Happy Birthday".
Jace's POV
I jump as a turn around to see it's Carolina. How am I going to tell her that I lost her present. I bought her a love charm bracelet with different charms that meant things. Then Carolina asks "what the matter Jace?"
I say" nothing" um we have the day off from school, we should call Riele and Sean so they can come with us to the Crash n' Splash. So she calls them and Sean says he's sick so he can't come. Riele said that she'll meet us there.
Carolina's POV
Jace looked really nervous. I wanted to know what was happening. So I asked him again. "Jace what's wrong you can tell me." Jace said " ok, you know how today's our birthday and we would get each other presents, well I bought a beautiful charm bracelet and I lost it. I'm really sorry." I said " Jace that's what was making you nervous, you could have just told me I would have understood." " I don't care about some present I just care that I have you by my side always and when I need you."
I grabbed Jace's hand and kiss him.
Jace's POV
After that Carolina said she had to me give me something. It was my present a new penny board. I was so happy, I hugged her. We had 1 hour until we had to go the Crash n' Splash so we went to the park. We talked about how it would be if we had jobs at Crash n' Splash. She said she has a cousin named Isabela who works there. I said wow. I said I knew a guy named Jack who works there too.
Then it was time to go to Crash n' Splash. When we got there Riele is waiting at the entrance waving. Since Crash n' Splash is a waterpark we are all in bathing suits.
Riele's POV
"Hey guys" " HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I got you guys something. I take out 2 pairs of matching sweaters that have arrows that say " he's mine and she's mine". Carolina says they're super cute. Jace says that he loves them.
Jace's POV
We walk over to the chairs that are in front of the pool. I'm going to get us some snow cones. Riele and Carolina say ok. I walk over to the snow cone stand and see this girl named Emma. Emma goes to our school and I think she has a crush on my cause when I'm walking back to the girls, Emma swings me around and kisses me right in front of Carolina. I turn to see Carolina trying not to cry and then she runs away.

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