chapter 38

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^they're so cute 😂💓 ^   Sorry for the confusion. Matt is played by Isaak Presley.
Lina's POV
      I wake up to a text from an unknown number. I go to my messages and see : hey boo, wondering when we're gonna meet again. miss you. I furrow my eyebrows and whisper "what the hell?" I turn off my phone and go downstairs to make coffee. I go on my laptop and scroll through all my old pictures. I find one of my family from 5 years ago. I laugh and keep looking at the pictures. I find one of Matt and I when we dated. I look at Matt's face ~ he's smiling. I feel a tear roll down my eye. I brush it away and look at 1 last photo.~ when Jace and I were 15. I save it and post it : the good old days. I close my laptop and hear a knock on the door. I peer through the window and see a guy.~ he looked familiar. I look around the house to see if the lights were on.
      I grab my phone and text my Bianca : there's a random guy in front of my house 😁😭. She texts back: don't answer! The guy knocks again. I jump and go upstairs. I crawl into bed and shake Jace. He groans and says "I don't wanna with monkeys." I shake him again and he rubs his eyes. He looks at me and says "what's wrong?" I snuggle myself close to Jace and say "there's a random guy at the front door." { 😭 } Jace kisses my forehead and says "it's gonna be ok. Just go back to sleep."
** a few hours later **
Jace's POV
     I walk downstairs and see Lina on her laptop. I sneak up behind her and kiss her. She jumps and says "JACE! you scared me."~ I grin. I grab my coffee and see something on the table. I grab it and say "what's this?" Lina looks up and says " I found it outside." I open it and read it. I feel my chest going up and down in a fast motion. Lina looks at me and says " what is it?" I hand it to her. She reads it and says "oh my god. Not this crap again."~ I laugh. Lina crumbles the letter and says " I can't have the crap going on right now. We have a family."~ I nod. I sit next to her and rest my head on her shoulder. I grab my phone and see I got a text : don't forget about the meeting tomorrow. I text back: ok. I take Lina's hand and say "wanna take the twins to my parents so we can spend the day together." ~ she nods.
I hear the twins start to cry. I get up and jog up to their room. I pick them up and bring them downstairs. I hand Nicky to Lina and bounce Jackie on my knee. The twins giggle and Jackie grabs my fingers. I grab my phone and take a picture of the twins. I post it : my favorite 1 year olds 💓

** I'm writing 1 more chapter and then I'm going to be writing in the sequel **

please comment and like. JACE AND ISABELA ARE DATING!! 😭😭😭 why.

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