Chapter 36

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 HOLD ON! YOU GUYS SHOULS LISTEN TO THE SONG " OH WONDER" BY BODY GOLD. this is the song that is in the beginning of Jace's Youtube video.

**1 month later **
**Quick recap **
      Jace and Lina got married and Lina announced that she's pregnant.  They moved into their own house in which they will form their family in. They live in LA; since they are still acting and want to live close to family.
Jace's POV
     I roll out our suitcases and put them in the car. I walk back into the kitchen where Lina was eating yogurt. I sneak up behind her and whisper "how are my 2 beauties?" ~ Lina puts her hand on my cheek and kisses it. I kiss her stomach and say " 7 more months." I take Lina's hand and walk her into her seat. I start the car and drive to the air port. We get there and do all that airport stuff (sorry I didn't want to write that 😁😂) We get on the plane and I take Lina's hand. Lina's takes out her phone and takes a picture: honey moon. We land in Cancun and grab our luggage. I pick up our car and drive to the hotel. I roll our bags into the master room and Lina looks outside the window and says "I remember when I used to go to the beach everyday in the summer." She opens the glass door and wind blows her hair everywhere.
        I walk up to Lina and say "come on, let's bounce." We walk onto the shore and sit down on the sand. Lina rests her head on my shoulder and says "I can't wait  7 months." "me neither. I'm kinda nervous." She looks at me and says "you're gonna be a great dad. You're were good with Geinieve and Jackie." I laugh and say " yes that was like 10 years ago."  I take out my phone and take a picture: honeymoon.
** 7 months later ** ( JUNE 12 )
Lina's POV
       I walk downstairs and see Jace watching a lacrosse game on tv. I snuggle with him and say "do you still play?" ~ he nods. I watch the tv and flashback to when I use to watch Jace play lax during a game. **flashback**
I sit on the bleacher and snuggle into Jace's jersey:#21. (😏) I hold out my phone and take a video of Jace scoring the winning point. At the end of the video Jace sees me and blows me a kiss. At the end of the game, Brittanie takes a picture of Jace and I :#21 for the win 🏅.! ** end of flashback ** I snap back into reality and grab my phone. I scroll through all my camera until I find what I'm looking for. I find it and post it : #21 for the win 🏅 @jacenorman7. I look over at Jace who was yelling at the tv. 😂 The baby kicks my stomach and I groan. I put my hand on my stomach and whisper : baby, are you excited to see the world? 😌 The baby kicks again and I feel liquid roll down my legs.
       I look down at my pants and say "JACE!!! My water BROKE!" Jace looks at me and says " shit. We gotta go to the hospital." ~ he helps my up and brings me into the car. He grabs the baby bag and gets in the car. I smile and think " this is gonna be the dad of my kid." 💞  Jace slams his foot on the gas pedal and I hold onto the seat belt. I grab my phone from my bag and text my family and friends. (cast mates ) We get to the hospital and Jace tells a nurse that I'm in labor. The nurse helps me into a wheel chair and Jace grabs the baby bag and takes my hand and says " its gonna be ok." - he smiles. The nurse brings me into a room and says " just relax. We're gonna get ready to receive the babies." My eyes open and say "babies?!" - she nods. I smile and feel tears roll down my cheeks. Jace brushes them away and says " 2 babies.!" I give him a weak smile.

** you know what happens **

Jace's POV

       The twins were born. Lina was resting and I was texting our families. I tweet : new family members! The nurse comes in and wakes up Lina. I take a video of Lina meeting the twins: she smiles and tears roll down her cheeks. She receives the babies and says " they're adorable." I take a picture of her and the babies. The nurse clears her throat and says " Mrs. Norman, what will be the names be?" Lina looks at me and I say " Jacqueline Isabela and Nicholas Scott Norman."- She writes it down. I hand Lina my phone and say " babe, can you take a picture of me with the babies?"- she takes it. I post it on ALL my social media: meet Jacqueline and Nicholas, my little angels. My phone starts ringing and the babies start to cry, I mumble " shit."  I hand Nicholas to Lina and I hold Jacqueline. I slide the call and Glory's face pops up. Her jaw opens and she squeals. I smile and say " Glory, this is Jacqueline." I point to the screen and whisper " this is Glory. Your aunt," Glory laughs and turns around.- She calls her son Noah. ( he's 6 )  Noah comes and says" hey Uncle Jace!"- I laugh. I wave and say " Noah, I have someone to show you. I show him the twins and he smiles a toothy smile. We hang up and Lina says " I still cant believe we had twins!" I walk up to her and say " I love you." " I love you too." - we kiss


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