Chapter 49 - Hope

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(A/N: Ahhhhhhh! It's been over a month since I updated and I'm so sorry because it was literally spent writing this 40 page chapter! Alas, I will admit I am being a troll with that'll see what I mean soon enough. Watch this space, guys. There's one more chapter and two more epilogues to go before the official end of this story.)

Chapter 49

"People 'ave been asking for my thoughts on the bombing of Paris but people 'ave been unable to because they 'ave not known where I was. Well I am in the Neuschwanstein Castle and I 'ave been 'ere for the last few months. So please pay me a visit so we can chat about the medical expense you owe to my family for putting my grandson in a coma!"

"Scheiße!" Ludwig bellowed, shocking Lisa who stood right beside him. "Zat idiot! I knew zis vas a bad idea!"

"I thought he was past this." Lisa shook her head and raced to her husband's side to slam his laptop shut. "What were you thinking!?" she asked Francis as he put his head in hands. "That's just opened up a two-way street of aggression!"

"Do you know vhat you have done!?" Ludwig was fuming, "You have just given us a death sentence! Ve are sitting ducks!"

"I'm sorry." Francis muttered as he came to term with what he had done, "Oh mon ami, I am so sorry."

Earlier in the morning Francis had woken up to huge contusions forming on his chest. An hour later, they had received a phone call that there had been an air raid in Paris. Francis had not taken to the news well as they had been told Jasper was in a coma and Paris had barely made it out alive. It was lucky, Lisa thought, that Francis only had received serious bruises she felt that they needed to be extra cautious though so Francis for most of the day had been sitting down on his computer trying to find updates on his daughter and grandson.

When they had been contacted to partake in a press conference, Lisa had wanted Francis to turn down the offer. Francis had agreed to the press conference, he had said he wanted to appeal to the emotions of the person organising this hell...he had not said that he had wanted to ignite a fight. Ludwig was not happy about the agreement, he thought it was best to just lie-low and Lisa could not help but agree after all, if it was not for the German they probably would have been in Paris themselves.

Sorry was not enough for Ludwig who stormed out of the room, slamming the ornate doors behind him. The chandelier hanging in the centre of the room shifted a little bit from the impact of the door. Lisa sighed to herself, completely over being the only female in a castle full of men whose egos were on steroids.

It took Lisa a lot of self-control not to just follow Ludwig out of the throne room and turn her back on Francis who was obviously acting too impulse to see reason but when she looked at him her heart broke and she could clearly see the turmoil he was going through. The nation of France was in a thick layer of fog and Lisa felt it in her heart that it was her responsibility to help him find a way out of it.

"You know, you do castles better." Lisa said as she sat beside Francis on the small white platform where the throne should have been. "I mean, look at this place. Do you really think Jesus would care that he is painted surrounded by golden arches? It would mean as much to him as a photocopy of his face hanging up on a wall in McDonalds. The apostles wouldn't care about patterns and pillars and the six canonized kings, if their like me they would probably feel embarrassed to be immortalized in some loony's castle."

She saw a small smile form on Francis' lips so she allowed herself to continue in her pointless rant.

"The Neuschwanstein Castle is the exception but if you ask me, your castles are way better than any Ludwig has, Francis." Lisa smiled at her country, "Their more elegant and, let me take that back. Nothing of yours is ever subtle. "

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