Chapter 39 - Insanity to the Max

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Chapter 39

I think the longer we spent waiting for Canada and Ukraine the longer we were all losing our minds. Mum was the worst of all; one minute she was happy and then the next minute all hell broke loose. I guess I could understand her mood swings, it would have been hard for anyone having two kids and then being burdened with worry over four especially since two were not hers and one of the two was deathly sick.

Al was prone to mood swings to, though less frequent that Mum. She was worried about Milly, I couldn't blame her.

Milly...well Milly hadn't said much since being in Canada but occasionally he would speak incomprehensibly. It was like he was delirious. All he would talk of were moose and the full moon. Perhaps he was a were-moose?

Eve was agitated. She wanted to go home. She told us she wanted to go home at least fifty times during the day. When she thought no one had heard that she wanted to go home she would throw a tantrum and scream, "I WANT TO GO HOME!" ...just to get her point across.

And me? I was a little bit unwell. I missed Dad. I missed home. Canada was too cold for me. The trees were strange, the evergreen was wrong, and the stars were different. Where was the iron pot constellation? Where were my gumtrees and red dirt? Half a globe away, quite literally. Still, I was probably the most stable in this whole establishment. They would have all been lost without me!

Mum said I was watching too much T.V. I respectfully disagreed. I only watched the T.V. when I had finished helping during the day! I did loooooaaaads of jobs. I put my plate in the sink to be washed, I got out of my bed so it could be made, I even checked the fringe numerous times throughout the day just to see if anything that I liked to eat had magically appeared in there. I was very helpful. You can't argue against that.

"Matilda," Mum sighed as she appeared at the bottom of the staircase, Eve on her hip, "it is 6 o-clock in the morning. How long have you been down here? There are much better things to be doing than watching television at this hour."

"But Mum," I rolled my eyes, "You don't like us going outside so what am I meant to do?"

"Sleep." Mum shrugged, "That's what people do."

"I can't." I pointed out, "It's hard when I'm not at home, Mum."

"I know." Mum nodded wistfully, "But Matilda, we have to keep a low profile, okay? I don't want to end up like France and New Zealand. If there is someone picking landmasses off the map, the whole world's in danger."

"And how is me watching TV going to cause me to go missing?" I raised a baby caterpillar.

"It will stand out." Mum said dismissively, "We're the only inhabitants of this place. No one actively lives in the houses around the lake. They are holiday homes. And here we are using electricity like it is going out of fashion. That can be observed and is trackable. Osama Bin Laden got caught by standing out trying to hide. That will be our downfall too if we are not careful."

"Who's Osama Bin Laden?" I asked which caused Mum to roll her eyes.

"Come on all-knowing-one." Mum frowned, "He's a friendly resident from hell."

"All-knowing-one!?" Al yelled with a smile as she ran down the banister, "I like that one!"

"Yes and you would be the local village idiot." Mum turned to face Al who had just reached the bottom of the staircase. "Give me the phone you were using last night."

Al's mood changed and her smug looked dropped from her face. "How did you know?" she stared accusingly back at my mum, "Do you spy on me or something?"

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