Prologue II - Living Questions

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Prologue Part II

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Prologue Part II

~June 4th 2031, UN Headquarters, New York City

The great nation sat down in a huff. Every lead turned out dead. Every theory, statement, report and suspicion all were dead. It was like they had disappeared- disappeared into thin air.

"Why are you sulking?" the Britt's voice was somewhat reassuring to the man's ears, "For God's sake! Cheer up, America! It's been like this for years. Sure, we lost them, but it is not like we have lost anything else."

"They were kids of the world." Alfred sighed, "Nations or whatever-they-were don't just disappear."

"Look at Atlantis." Arthur pointed out, "If the legend is real, than Atlantis just disappeared without a trace."

"Remember ze law." Ludwig, who had been sitting quietly across the table drinking a black coffee, added. "Ze longer a land mass is departed from zeir land, ze more veaker zey get until zey are so veak zat zey die."

Feliciano, who was sitting next to his best friend, covered his ears as Ludwig had uttered the word 'die'.

"I agree with Germany-san." Kiku piped up, "It may be too rate. We have to ret them rest in peace and accept that we wirr never know what rearry happened to them."

"We could have a commemorative international memorial for them-aru." Yao smiled sadly.

"Da." Ivan agreed, giving Yao a smile, "That would be nice."

"I do not think we should give up 'ope." Francis, who had been sitting at the head of the table, spoke for the first time in the whole meeting, "Miracles 'appen. We should 'ave faith in that."

"Let's not bring your love life into this, Frog." Arthur grimaced, still not entirely sure how to feel about Francis' discovery only five years prior.

"How about you focus on that family of yours, rather than them?" Arthur gently suggested to his once-brother. "You have two beautiful sons and another baby on the way, I am sure Belarus needs all the support she can get from you now."

"It's not the same though, is it?" Alfred sighed and Arthur, although he would never admit it, saw great reason to agree.

Arthur sighed to himself as he thought about them and her...

There were so many unanswered questions.

What did they look like?

What had she named them?

Where were they now?

What had they become?

Why had she run with them?

And why, ever since the day they had gone missing, had he started to remember fragments of a time before he had been born?

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