Chapter 43 - The Angel, Gabriel

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Chapter 43

To say that the situation after Selena's appearance was tense was an understatement. Days passed since Mum had passed Eve to Al, bent over and scooped the girl up from the doorstep. Without a single question asked, Mum had accepted Selena into the household. Selena who was flesh and bone. Selena who was living and breathing. Selena who was certainly not a ghost.

"You remember me, right?" I asked her as she curled up on the couch. "We have talked, haven't we?"

She nodded, her clear-blue eyes wide. Her long white hair hung messily down her back; she could have used it as a blanket.

"Do you remember Al too?" I questioned, "You visited us in our dreams. We've talked about you. We wanted to still talk to you."

She nodded again but didn't say a word. I began to wonder if she was mute or perhaps she physically couldn't speak? She had spoken to me in my dreams or through some weird apparition so maybe that was to compensate for not being able to speak.

"We need help finding Taishya Rovanoff." I continued to try and make a conversation with Selena, hoping to at least break the invisible wall she had built around herself. I sat beside her and she edges further against the armrest on her side of the couch. "We don't really know where to start. Al reckons my Mum's secretary is suspicious but I don't really think so." I continued.

"I cannot help you." She whispered, barely audible. In fact, she wasn't even using her voice; she was just blowing air. "I do not belong here. I influence here but I cannot physically change your course of mind."

"Well that what are you doing here?" I frowned, feeling totally frustrated about just how reserved Selena was being. "You didn't come here for nothing! You didn't do all that strange dream-walking just to scare me!"

"Matilda!" Mum yelled at me, making a hasty appearance from the kitchen, "What are you doing!? You can't just yell at her!?"

What the hell was wrong with my mother? Why did she always feel the need to adopt strays? Dad would not have agreed to this. No on in their right mind would have picked up a six-year-old kid from their front door and just welcome them with open arms. Something was wrong with Selena. Had she been manipulating Mum? I wasn't sure but I didn't trust her one bit.

"I can so, Mum!" I protested indignantly, "This isn't right! She isn't right! MUM! Do you even know who she is? Do you, Mum!?"

I felt like I was drowning in my own words. I was so desperate to be heard but Mum didn't notice. She looked petrified with embarrassment. Her face was so pale it looked grey and her bright blue eyes were stone cold.

"Listen hear, Matilda." She growled as she grabbed the back of my shirt and half dragged me to the bottom of the staircase, "I have always tried to do what is best for a person and that girl needs help. Would you just leave a little child in the cold? A little girl who clearly doesn't belong here?"

"No," I cried but Mum's lecture was just making me feel more frustrated. She wasn't listening to me! "But Mum, she's not a person! She's the moon! She doesn't belong here!"

"If that's what you reckon then you should show her even more respect." Mum shrugged, "The moon's a lot older than the Australian Federation date."

"Mum, she isn't normal." I sobbed and visually tried to wipe away the tears that were falling from my eyes. Mum grabbed my hands and pulled a couple of tissues from her pocket; putting them in my palms.

"She isn't from here, Matilda." Mum said softly, "What do you expect? She's literally never been on Earth."

"I think she's playing with your mind, Mum." I said as Mum held my hand to my face and gently helped me wipe my eyes dry. "Al and I met her before in our dreams she told us to find Taishya Rovanoff. She told me in the dream that she was going to help me save the world."

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