Chapter 26 - Lurkers

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(A/N: Do I regret staying up until 3am to finish writing this?

No. No I do not.

#noregrets )

Chapter 26

"No, you don't understand!" Mum slammed her fist against the desk of the foyer, "There is no matter of state nor is this a matter of international relations. This is just a matter of a mother frightened for her children who has asked, out of charity, her friend to come and get them."

I could hear it in Mum's voice; her words became more and more strained and the pauses between each word she spoke were becoming longer. If this receptionist didn't start co-operating real, soon Mum was going to lose it and that would not be pretty. Seeing as Mum and the receptionist had been going back and forward with banter for at least an hour, one of them was bound to give way sooner or later.

"And she could not get them 'erself?" the receptionist frowned, raising one of his slick eyebrows in question to Mum's argument.

"No!" Mum exclaimed, her hands raised in the air for a moment, "She's in Ukraine! It's under a coup."

"Their grandfather would not approve a human taking them." the receptionist said smoothly before waving Mum off, "This is his country, in case you did not know."

"You can drop the jerk-act." Mum said through seethed teeth, "Firstly, I am not just some human; I just so happen to be an international supermodel and the Prime Minister of Queensland which I think would make me just as famous as your beloved country. Secondly, he isn't technically their grandfather and thirdly, if you want to state his opinion how about when they find him you ask him yourself?"

I watched as the receptionist winced at the last statement Mum had made; France had gone missing in the last twenty-four hours. Louie and Lisa had not been seen either. I think the whole country was on edge and Mum herself was too. Lisa was one of her best friends, if not her best! Her emotions were raw so it was only normal for her to be so abrupt with the front-desk asshole who was not making things easier.

The receptionist stared behind Mum and I almost felt like cheering in celebration; she had finally gotten through to him! We would get somewhere!

"Get that child out of the elevator." He frowned and my heart sank with my moment of excessive hope.

Eve was standing in the elevator pressing the button to close the door just as Mum turned around and sighed. Eve had been up and down that elevator at least five times now, but neither the receptionist or Mum had noticed. I was surprised Eve had even been able to reach the buttons to the elevator but she had had quite a bit of practice at the penthouse.

"I will catch her back on her way down." Mum shrugged, turning her attention back to the receptionist, "Please, please have a little consideration. I want to go home but before I get to I have to find these kids."

I looked at the receptionist...well actually, I mainly looked at his eyebrows. They were so perfect, there was not a hair out of place. Surely he had got them done? They put my caterpillars to shame. They were so perfect. Well, really his whole face was uncomfortably perfect. It was so symmetrical; as perfect as a square. His eyes were a vibrant blue and close together but very big. His brown hair was slicked back and it sort of reminded me of a 1940's man's hairstyle. He was like a human Ken doll. There was no one in Australia as technically perfect as this man but then again there was no one I had ever met who was really difficult to maintain eye contact with. I found his general perfection really painful to pay attention to but at the same time I was curious about it. Surely he had had some form of plastic surgery? Was this a classic case of gay or European? Maybe he was both?

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