Chapter 2 - Dysfunctional Dinners

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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I went down to the ground floor, feeling absolutely giddy that my mother had allowed me to just do whatever I wanted. I had contemplated going back to the room and rummaging through more files on Taishya Rovanoff, but my conscious would have felt too guilty. It was bad enough Mum had caught me snooping around once, let alone if she caught me again!

Even though I had given up now, I was determined to go back to that room. I wanted to find out about more Taishya Rovanoff and I was yearning to find out what happened to her. This case was cold but then so is Russia (as in cold and nutcase...get it?).

I told my friends that joke once and they started throwing their vegemite sandwiches at me. It turned out that they apparently loved Russia and had posters of him on their bedroom walls. They didn't know him how I did though and to be honest, I found him terrifying, as did my dad though occasionally he would stand up to him. Mum, well she had no judgemental skills when it came to friends. Mum and Ivan got along like vodka and cheese...not that I would know what Vodka tastes like!

I walked out to the front of the UN building and admired the display of flags. The UN was an admirable achievement by the human race and I was proud to say I knew all the members of it personally.

On the street there were a few cars lined up. It was easy to see these cars were just the press, occasionally flashing their camera through the window. I figured that there would be a few pictures of me in some global magazine by the end of the week. Though, I had not come outside and into the streets of New York to just observe how many media outlets turned up with their representatives, I was looking for two people who I now saw were situated at the bottom of a five step platform; Al and Milly.

Al was being Al. The media liked to refer to her as a thug and perhaps she was or rather, they portrayed her that way but Mum said she was just 'selectively unfriendly'. Right now she was giving the media the finger, and as Mum had predicted, she was holding a cigar up to her mouth.

Al was actually beautiful. Normally she had extremely long straight hair that was the colour of Ukraine's; however, as it appeared she had died it black. Her eyes were Canada's shade of purple; she was quite slim and also a bit short. I was bound to outgrow Al one day.

Milly, unlike Al, was quite tall. He too had acquired Ukraine's hair colouring and Canada's eyes and he too had changed his hair to black. Unlike Al, Milly was pretty cool and collected, he wasn't smoking and he welcomed me with a warm smile.

"Til! Where ya' been?" Milly gave me a grin as he beckoned me to sit on the step beside me. 'Til' was a nickname Milly had bestowed on me back when we were little, we had made a superhero team against Al called 'Milly and Tilly the Fighters of Justice!' (of course Uncle America helped us with that name).

"I found this room which is abandoned and has all this stuff in it about Taishya Rovanoff!" I told Milly excitedly as he started texting on his phone.

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